My 2012 Prius C has a cannister oil filter {and actually every car I've ever owned in decades has had one}. It's a piece of cake to change the oil & filter in this Prius and I really love the car. But I've had it for 14 months now, and for about the last 5 years I've swapped cars almost annually, just kind of for something to do, almost just to pass the time. But I don't think I will part with my Prius C. If I needed another car that bad, I'd just buy it and run it as well as the Prius C. I did that a few years ago and I don't want to go back to running 2 cars and paying for 2 insurance policies. With a car as reliable as a Prius C, even when it's 9 years old like mine, there is no need for me to own 2 cars. So anyway, I was looking into a 2016 Mazda 3 and a 2016 Corolla LE and found out they both have the cartridge oil filters. Something I've never had to deal with, but I'm sure I could get used to it if I ever got a car with one. They're asking about $10k each. Good looking cars and are probably great cars, both with about 100k miles and a clean CARFAX but not one owner cars. The full size Prius also seems to take a cartridge filter. But in reality, I doubt I could let myself go through with my old habit of swapping cars just because I'm bored. My Prius is a great car that uses no oil. Any used car you buy that's anything but a clean CARFAX 1 owner car, is IMHO risky. The car can look and drive great but if it uses oil after you've bought it, you're most likely stuck with it. Car salesmen aren't going to know if a car uses oil and probably wouldn't tell you if they did. I wouldn't want to take a chance on a car that had 4 or 5 owners, some of which may have ran the oil and filter for too many miles and caused untold damage to the engine.
I'm probably hooked on owning a Prius also. If I parted with this one I'd want a good clean CARFAX full sized 2010-2015 Prius.
What is your actual question? We have both a C and full-size (2012). Changing oil on the c is easier but only because of filter placement not cartridge vs canister. Something you only do every 10000 shouldn't have much bearing on which car to get. BTW, I'd only consider 2012-15 on the Gen 3, which had the mid-gen facelift.
I was wondering about that myself....but hey....sometimes it's just good to rant. Picking a car based on what type of oil filter is installed or where it's located is like booking a flight based on the snacks they offer. This is important to some people! HOWEVER (comma!) things like....destination, price, airline safety record, etc. are also sorta important. The G3 has about the worst oil filter setup of any car that I've ever driven. Period. Full stop. Not only is it one of those goofy little cartridge setups BUT it's in a "fairly" inconvenient location and I've seem more than one post where the housing and/or o-rings have been trashed by owners and dealers alike, and since GOD has a sense of humor about these types of things????? They're no cheaper than the cans! Since I use a 5k OCI, I like things simple......and canisters are simple. All of this is fairly non-trivial, but it did not influence my car buying habits. If I wanted/needed to buy a fairly good, used G3 then I would accept the fact that changing my oil will be less convenient and a little more expensive as one of the warts of the car.......and get on with my life. ACTUAL mileage WILL vary!
hello somebody can help me please? I used dr.prius app. but only battery monitor I can running. another details I can not use . this note is coming from app.. check billing 3
It seems to be lost in the fog. There is NO even remotely tiny advantage to changing the type of oil filter. And probably are at least a couple of dangers.
I changed our 2010 over to spin-on style, loving it. The parts were around $70 CDN through Amayama IIRC. OP’s actually contemplating going the OTHER way? Yeah, no upside to that lol. Yeah, you wouldn’t want my old clunker.
I'm not sure exactly what his intentions are. He never really mentions the subject line again in his discourse.
There are some very few people out there that make more or less valid claims that cartridge filters could be responsible for reduced landfill fodder. I'll leave the actual VALIDITY of those claims for those playing along on the home version to decide...... But.....yeah. Wallet. Car. Convenience. Can > Cartridge.
on camry hybrid 12 .. filter cartridge ... had been dealer changed .. when i went to change .. was so tight it broke the plastic housing .. at first it cracked .. which i didnt notice until a was driving and heard loud engine noise ... (u would think a low oil light would come on) ... those bitches at toyota (one particular stealership) .. had the fix of ''put extra qt in to make cold start noise go away' .. which i found out after i got it home .. really crooks .. 1 particular dealer which changed ownership also had shady practices to go with it ... i should have went to the farther one where the previous owner had done it ... ah well .. live and learn the hard way .. toyota isnt toyota .. it varies from each location !
Please, make a post of your own to ask these questions. More people will see it and it will not be hijacking my own post as you attempted to do here. Thank you.
I was feeling like I wanted to trade in for another used car but I'm probably going to keep my car. It seems like a great car and I might as well try to focus on the many good points about the car instead of obsessing over little things like wishing it was a bigger car like a Corolla. I'm tired of looking at used cars. This car suits and serves me well for now. And it does seem good to rant sometimes. Per the Gen 3, I'll definitely get a 2012-2015 if I get one. There have been a lot of 2010s around here lately. I drove 3 of them and liked them.
IMHO, the c is MUCH more fun to drive than the full-size as far as road feel and handling are concerned. I did like my wife's 2012 until I got my c.
I bought a $30 metal variety of the canister closure .. no thx to stealership ... or toyota .. the short rattlying on cold start of course became much more pronounced after the (unbeknownst) oil leakage episode ... lasting upwards of 1-2 seconds.. it is known by toyota and is even a recall on other models for the same engine !! timing chain tensioner ! (meant to say cartridge .. ) aka 'replaceable mechanism' (supposed to be green because you're not throwing away a steel casing) ... but toyota dealer tightened their plastic cartridge holder so much that when i tried to remove it (and it seems no body ever removed it with it being that tight) .. that it developed cracks ...
As far as I know, all of my past cars have had Canister oil filters. A cartridge oil filter fits inside a plastic housing that screws into the engine and are more work to replace. Canisters just screw in and screw out and have a metal housing.