My friends' V was registered on Dec' 13 with 295,000kms while mine was Dec'12 and has 65,000kms on it. My question is, his EV indicator is colored green and mine is white. Tried to research on this to no avail. Was there any changes to this? See photos below for reference. Also, his EV to ICE switches so fast and is very consistent while mine is not. Does it mean anything or does every hybrid car varies to how it's being used. Hope you guys can give me an idea or wisdom about this. Thanks and Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! I didn't even know they changed it after one year. I just assumed it was always green. I looked back at my photos from autumn 2011 and unfortunately, none of them had a photo of the IP where the EV leaf car light was on so I can't confirm from my end.
Hmmm, I saw my friends 2018 model (Norway) and it's also green. But this friend of mine has a 2013.. Kind of weird. Mine is Dec 2012, it's called Prius+ Seven here in Norway. I wonder if it has something to do with variants? Hmmm. good to know we're the same. I wonder what's the difference.
Hi guys.. I have now searched 93 Prius V's for sale. Found 1 for each 2014, 15, &17 w/ color green EV indicator lights while white indicators for 2012 and 2013 model. So, probably the year model, right? Here are some photos for reference. **Note: Those w/ P filenames have white indicators on it and are '12&13 models.
Hmmmm, since owning this V my highest range after full tank is 738kms. Not sure w/ my friend though. I had a ff up question after the light indicators. Thanks!