Front seat passenger door loudspeaker abruptly went very muffled. Almost silent. Under warranty, the dealership replaced it. No improvement. They next checked with their Toyota brain trust, and then disconnected the 12-volt battery for 45 minutes (they said), which gave the HAL9000 Prius computer a reboot. The speaker now performs great. But why? They can’t explain it. Makes no sense. Does anybody know? Richard
I have two guesses: There is a LOT of "software" inside modern radio heads. Maybe there was a "glitch" on that channel. OR It was just mostly a coincidence and the problem will be back.
Had the same with my TV recently. Not sure why it's called an ANDROID (SONY) TV - but I ended up unplugging it and the CD/HDD Recorder for a few hours, and it's been fine ever since. It's been a "thing" with PCs since the '80s when I started with my first Apple IIe. There has been mention of a "REBOOT" process for the Entertainment system - something like hold the <PWR> button on the entertainment for a "long time" - but I'm not sure of the exact process.
This is helpful. And thanks to all who responded. And yeah, I have a feeling this problem could recur.