A week ago, I took my friend shopping for her Mom’s burial dress. Forgetting her mask, I loaned her a Tesla cloth one and found the husband chair. A couple of days later I put that mask on and smelled her wonderful scent. Perhaps some of you might try the experiment with your significant other. Wash the mask first; wear it for an hour or so, and; have your SO wear it. Just in time for Valentine’s Day. Bob Wilson
Sort of defeats the purpose of masking up, doesn't it. Probably safe with your SO though. It brings back those primal urges that physical distancing has upset. They say that humans don't produce or communicate with pheromones, but it sure seem sometimes that communication is occurring on some subliminal level. Maybe electrical, or some form of consciousness field effect. More science is needed.
No, I think the science is already there. BAD idea. Health care workers usually put on fresh PPE every time they touch a new person......for good reason.
Is this the official COVID thread? Got my first rabies shot at VA last week. Still alive but bored to tears and beyond into the next frontier. So bored I am here! And yes! What a nice touch to have perfume from a women on your mask. Hard to tell these days what people look like under the mask! You know, the face that launched a thousand ships.
There is another thread you've probably already seen. Covid jokes, which I guess is one way to deal with the helplessness, horror, and loss of this disease. What will be even stranger is the great un-masking at some future date. We will have the advantage once again of 80% more facial expression to go along with the audio. Good times. I'm still waiting for my age group to come due for the inoculation. I also have the option of receiving it from the VA, where I usually acquire the flu vaccine.
A while back i had to pick up my (adult) daughter after she dropped off a loaner car. As soon as she got in she remarked “the car smells like mom”. Long-way-back smells are STRONG memory triggers, in my experience. When I was three, I went back to Holland with my mom, involved train ‘cross Canada, and ship ‘cross the Atlantic. When I was 13 we repeated the trip, albeit by plane, a DC3 journey that took almost a day. Arriving at my aunt’s apartment in Amsterdam, I smelled a faint scent of natural gas. It’s scented for safety like here I assume, but the smell was distinct, and triggered a déjà vu flood of memory, kinda overwhelming for a bit. When I was 17 I took the CN train ‘cross Canada once more, headed for basic training in Nova Scotia. In the train corridors there’s little wall insets with water dispensers, complete with conical paper cups. Those cups had the same distinct smell as when I was 3, again brought me right back.
They still do. Some of Big Bell's offices still have water fountains in them - because we're in the South and water is less optional. The more cultured of us call them "scuttlebutts." Being non-government and non-public they haven't covered these up with 123 trash bags mummified by three rolls of duct tape. However (Comma!) my beloved company DID issue those same conical cups that were probably also used by settlers in their conestoga wagons and sailors on Spanish galleons. People in 2021 generally do not USE water fountains that were made in the 1960s because they were dangerous even before the dampanic....BUT....I can report that those same conical cups still have the same flavor that sailors aboard San Pelayo complained about in St Augistine in the 1560's. ....It at least masks the lead and chlorine bleach.
That's what we do.... Release a squirrel into a thread and see where it takes us.... I'm reading Patrick O'Brian's "Master and Commander" series which is dazzlingly entertaining to this history geek and squid and I'm often amazed at the living conditions aboard 18th and 19th century vessels that made my old submarines seem lavishly appointed by comparison.
I took a tour of the USS Constitution one time. I came thinking it was this big powerful warship, a ship of the line that defended its country with canon & valor. When I got there it was more like the size of a Greyhound bus!