Hello fellow Prius chatters This website has helped me though much of my Prius maintenance so first thanks to everyone who responds on here Toward the end of last year I had to replace my Gen 1 that was stolen and I got a used 2010 it has ran well up to this point and just burns some oil which I’ve heard is pretty typical with 3rd gen Right now the only code I get is the P0401 code for the EGR system I’ve cleaned the pipe and plan on doing the rest of the system after winter although the pipe wasn’t terrible While I was driving the other day I noticed it was acting a little weird but assumed it was traction with the snow on my way back it was clear it was an engine issue as the engine light started blinking. My Prius was loud and shaking pretty bad and I got it home driving super slow. Seemed like while It was idling or decelerating and charging the battery it was worse. While I was driving back I connected Dr.Prius to the OBD II and didn’t see any new codes codes like a misfire or anything. So far I’ve tried changing the spark plugs next is the coils. I’ve got my fingers crossed it’s not the head gasket. I thought about sucking it up and cleaning the EGR system but if it’s ran fine up till now I don’t think that’s the culprit (but still needs to get done) I may be wrong. I work at Oreillys so getting parts isn’t a concern but there aren't many mechanics who know hybrids around me I’ve mostly got “you need a new charger” or “did you try turning it off and on again” and other sarcastic responses from my coworkers. so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated Thank you all
When the check-engine light blinks, that's a severe misfire warning. Puzzling that Dr. Prius didn't show any corresponding codes. The "loud and shaking pretty bad" is sure consistent with severe misfiring. P0401 is a code for insufficient EGR flow, and that's not uninteresting, but insufficient EGR flow does not make the engine run rough. (One test for EGR flow is to start with the valve closed, no flow, and see how far you have to open it before the engine starts to run rough!) And when the car has a P0401 code in effect, it chooses conservative ignition timing. Any connection between this P0401 and your misfiring certainly isn't obvious. You already had the P0401 a while ago, before cleaning the pipe, is that right? Did you do anything with the valve at the time? Have you rechecked the connections and gaskets? An intake leak could cause misfiring. If somehow you managed to get the EGR valve not closing properly, it's possible for too much EGR flow to lead to rough running. And of course there are all the other usual suspects for misfires. Does Dr. Prius show the distinction between current, historical, and permanent codes? Did you do the P0401 confirmation driving pattern after you put the system back together from the EGR pipe work?
I have a 2010 Prius with around 180,000 miles on it. Unfortunately I know the shake and rattle of doom very well. The crazy shaking is most likely due to a misfire, happened to mine in cylinders 1 and 3. Turns out it was due to coolant in the cylinders and my head gasket was pooched. I was able to get by with sealant for about six months, but the time came when even that didn’t work. I ended up getting white smoke spewing from the exhaust pipe. Unfortunately it is an expensive job and there is no guarantee that the rods are not bent ( believe it’s due to the cylinders being hydro-locked by the coolant). I recently decided to have a crack at replacing it myself and it went super smoothly till now. Disassembly and reassembly were all good but now I have two error codes (c1310 and c1259) due to a lack communication between the hybrid system and the normal ecu. Should be as simple as something isn’t connected properly or a bad fuse tho. I know it’s not what you were hoping to hear, and I might not even be right, but I hope that this information was helpful.
There’s no such thing as a hybrid engine. The Prius has the same engine as a Toyota Corolla. The timing’s a little different but that’s irrelevant. My point is, your co-workers in the auto business should know that the hybrid part of a Prius is in the transmission, NOT the engine. The other differences is that a Prius engine can shut off while the car’s operating, so there are no vacuum lines and no belts — all of those things, like water pump, engine fan, brake master cylinder, AC compressor — they’re electric. Which makes things simpler, although some of those parts cost more. But the engine is the engine. Same kind of emissions control and OBD. Nothing complex. All I can tell you is I think it’s very very dumb to ignore a shaking engine and just keep driving the car. Because if you do that on any car, the shake will turn into a rattle which will turn into a thrown rod. If you think cleaning the EGR is a lot of work, wait till it’s cleaning the EGR cooler + replacing the head gasket. And if that’s too much work, keep driving until you have to rebuild the whole engine. Pay how or pay later, but if you keep driving your expense will be 10x higher.