So my cat was stolen and I've been told a Corolla catalytic converter will work. A mechanic will do it for $1000. A. Will the Corolla cat work in my gen 2 Prius? B. How's $1000 sound for the job?
Sorry to hear about your cat . It’s literally exploding right now , everyone and their mother is getting jacked . I’m hoping to get my cat sheild installed next Monday in time to prevent mine getting stolen .
a) if u want to fiddle with diameters and bending twisting /welding .. u could put about anything into about anything with convertors and adaptors .. -- time -- pain b) $1k sounds like ALOT to do an exhaust job like many mulitiples over what it should be .. unless this price includes the part then it sounds more reasonable ... /they claim '" a cat lasts about 10 yrs .. now if u blow a bunch of oil and other stuff that clogs it that is certainly logical .. . and a car will run better with less restriction so a replacement low mileage cat '__should__' be more open and cleaner ... letting your car run 'less choked up' ... West coast was not mentioned .. .. stuff is ~2x the price as it is on much of the other coast .. forgot about that monetary factor
Any working cat will work. Your car knows there's a cat onboard by using O2 sensors. The rest is just plumbing. In 51 states (if you count DC and PR) this will be effective and legal. However (comma!) if you live under a tyrannical government that pokes around under your car every year or so to make sure that you didn't have a non CARB compliant catalytic converter installed, then those same tyrants might not allow you to drive your car on your (THEIR) roads. There's an almost 100-percent chance that this repair will extinguish your Check Engine Light, and there's a "pretty good" chance that the VET inspector will see that it's an OEM muffler (probably stolen from a Corolla) because of the Toyota markings. They might figure it out. They might not.'re spending $1,000 on 'a pretty good chance' IMO. What your muffler shop person did NOT tell you is that this will be an illegal repair in your state. Sounds great if you're a muffler shop! In 51 states, I'd say it was Highway Robbery for the consumer - especially if it's a used Corolla cat, with fresh saw marks on it! HOWEVER (comma!) in YOUR state, it's probably at least $500 cheaper than a legal fix. If you have this unit installed, consider paying another $250 for a cat shield. It will make it harder for the thieves to steal the cat a second time, and there's a 'pretty good' chance that it will hide the fact that you have an illegal cat under your car. How you feel about the moral implications of accepting a used part during a cat theft pandemic is on you (if it IS used.) I'm certainly in NO position to judge. Good Luck!