My 2012 Prius C was flawless until one day everything starting being just weird. First, I got the dreaded death lights on the dash. Researched and found that pulling out safety plug then back in resets it, back in business. But then it keeps happening over and over. Then my front door power locks got weak before finally not working at all, despite the rear doors working fine. Then my stereo when streaming music slooows way down sometimes as if it's going to die. I believe all of this could be related but have no clue what the problem is. No fuses are blown. Could it be the 12volt battery? I replaced both hey fob batteries but maybe need to re calibrate them? Any help would be life saving. Thanks in advance Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Your next step is certainly to check the charge on the 12 volt battery. I suspect you will find it quite discharged. There could be a problem with the battery itself, though your story sounds more as if the battery is not being charged, for reasons that would have to be diagnosed. But the first order of business would be to measure it, then bring it back to a good full state of charge and see what happens. In earlier decades, I had two experiences in conventional cars where the charging system went out on a longish drive, and everything just kept getting slower and dimmer until finally there wasn't enough to run the car. The better story is here. On the other occasion the car never did fully conk out; I nursed it all the way back to my driveway, by driving the last several miles with the radio, heater, and lights all shut off. It was just beginning to misfire as I pulled in. Adventures of the youthful and stupid....
yep 12v battery needs checking. They run about $220 at the Toyota dealer, a few bucks more to have them put it in. Unfortunately it's a very weird size, you can't get an exact replacement anywhere else.
Is that still true? Toyota’s battery application chart (PDF) says Prius c cars, for model years 2012–2017, use an auxiliary (12-volt) battery of size S34B20R, Toyota part number 00544-21181-320 (which replaced 28800-21181). O’Reilly Auto Parts and Advance Auto Parts, for example, have batteries of that size in stock, at least in some stores. Their prices aren’t much lower than Toyota’s list price ($225.11, at this writing), but their hours and locations may be more convenient, or they’ll ship the battery at no extra charge.
You've just convinced me that it isn't. I hadn't seen these before, but they really do look like proper replacements. I'm guessing that the aftermarket just didn't bother with this size until very recently, not enough replacements needed to make any profit. Now as the fleet ages more people make the part.
Thanks for the input. Much appreciated. I searched around on the web and found a nifty trick to pull up a diagnostic report on the main display. Btw my mind is blown as to the technology quirky elements in flipping switches in specific order + waiting particular times + all other nuances with these Prius'. It would take a lifetime to actually read the mountain of an owners manual (s). Seriously there is a whole chapter dedicated to checking the tire pressure. Even something about registering something for that very simple procedure. Very frustrating. Anyway the inboard diagnostic said it was at 12.4 after a very short drive. I don't know if I trust it and I think you're right, checking the 12v at the dealership is the logical 1st step. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks for the reply. I am thinking that makes the most sense but have been trying to avoid getting raked over the coals by the dealership. It's never a cheap visit. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thank you! I actually went to my local o'reilly's to see if they could check my battery, and the staff there is less than capable of doing much of anything really. Useless. So dealership is my next move Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks I think you are right. Hopefully things will get back to normal with that. I'm not sure what the code you said at the end of your comment? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is z6201v the type of hybrid battery? I don't know anything about these cars sorry if this question sounds ignorant. It is. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No, it's a phone. You're seeing a slug of text automatically appended to davidc83's post, probably without his knowledge. Apparently when you post to this forum from the mobile app, the app attempts to advertise the type of mobile device used for the post. It looks like you've set or managed your app differently so it says "priuschat mobile app" on your own posts, but for others it auto-inserts a string bearing the device name. For reasons unknown, it always appends a question mark at the end of the device name. You are not the first to be confused by this.
I struggled finding a Toyota 12v battery yesterday. Not at an aftermarket store mind you - Toyota dealerships. Neither dealership in my area were able to get me a battery right away. I'm guessing a distribution center is out of stock because both locations told me 8 to 10 days. AutoZone had one in stock - thankfully. I did get a chuckle though after he re-appeared from the behind the battery rack. He comes out with it, sits it on the counter and says he didn't think they would EVER get rid of that thing. The manufactured date on sticker said 1/21. Sold.!!