2013 Prius The blinkers work We have 12v at battery 12v at front fuse box Checked ground at batter and tightened everything. Installed new batter and it still won’t start. The only lights I get is the illuminated green start key, brake lights work, emergency flashers come on at the hash when we test them. But the vehicle won’t show anything on the dash ???
Right! I think I see where you're going. Possibly a loose connection at the battery when putting in the new one. Possible, but it reads like @shadow4478 was pretty thorough. It's worth checking, though.
Yeah the voltage at front terminal is same as rear about 12.8, the vehicle is my fathers so he purchased the new battery same issue with both. The ground is super clean and very tight. I load tested both batteries today both are fine... the four way flashers come on Driving lights turn on. No dash lights at all except the four way flashers When you step on the brake and push power you can hear a low rumble (maybe brake test it’s a normal sound you always hear) also jumper cables at front terminal will not power the dash
Update: ended up being the Ignition push button switch. Replaced with a new one, no issues since. Thanks everyone !!!