I was on fumes trying to get to gas station and suddenly my power dropped off and all those warning lights came on: check engine, master warning, brake system, and slip/traction indicator light. I got to a gas station and filled the tank, but all the lights are still on and still no power. I’ve turned it on and off several times but wondering if I need to disconnect the battery to reset the computer or something. Anyone know?
idk, but i would definitely try it. first try pushing the power button 3 times. if that doesn't work, try holding it in for 30 seconds.
From a very long past thread, that doesn't seem to be what lights up when a Gen3 (specifically, Bob Wilson's former 2010 Prius) runs out of gas. Instead, some time after the power drops off, it gives the paradoxical Electric Power Steering warning, caused by battery charge getting depleted after gasoline has been depleted. Did it really run out of gas, or did something else happen? Remember that it has a couple gallons of reserve after the last low fuel warning, good for 100-ish highway miles. If you went much less than this, or put significantly less than 11.9 gallons in when refueling, then it might not have been out of fuel. Then the 'on fumes' condition might be an irrelevant distraction.
Your info line shows your vehicle as a 2011 Prius model Two, if that;s correct I don't have a clue. However if, as this forum denotes, it is a Prius Prime then I do have a guess: Your 12v battery is sufficiently low so as to not provide the READY signal needed to start. While running in ICE (gas) mode you'd be fine, but once the motor stops (or is turned off) my understanding is that a Prime requires the READY signal to start regardless of the selected mode. In the case of no READY signal, all the dash lights would come up the same as pressing the start button (twice) without having your foot on the brake pedal. Check the 12v battery cables for tightness and no corrosion then use a voltmeter to ensure sufficient voltage, charging to a proper level. If it is not low.
First things first. Welcome to PC. You'll find lots of knowledgable people here, but no clairvoyants even though many of us sometimes do tend to drift toward the lucky guess method . What @fuzzy1 said . How much gas did you put in? Was it really running on fumes or was the traction battery dying? Or something else. You haven't given us the codes Or the voltage of the 12V battery. We don't know if you have a Prime or a 2011 Prius two since your info says one thing and the forum you posted to says another. Without that kind of info, it's just guessing and guessing, unless you're really lucky, costs a fortune.
I've spent a lot of time driving in the area that the OP is in. What are the circumstances where you are running on fumes in a metro area where you are never more than 10 or 15 minutes from a gas station?
I just ran out of gas and I have your answer. I’m sure you’ve got it going by now but just in case it happens to someone else. You need to disconnect the 12volt for a couple of minutes. Reconnect and power on. The engine should start right up.