Got it credited to my account, today. Just waiting for the valuable collectible letter with Trump's signature on it.
Spent mine last Saturday..... Interestingly enough....I got it on an Air Force Base @ about $75 off and no TTL, so I have $100 left over to spend on primers and powder.
Friends on the Arizona side of the river got theirs yesterday. Ours is not in the accounts as of this morning. Our plans for the money? Replace the two broken recliners in the family room and get some fishing gear (I donated all my old gear when we moved out here) from locally owned retailers. We'll donate the rest in the form of canned goods to the local food bank. We'll do our part to stimulate the local economy while helping small business owners and those in greater need than we are. .
Well, ours did not come. Will be filing for it on our taxes. So much for stimulating the economy and helping others. That Jan. 15 deadline for the distribution is nonsensical. Funds that were supposed to be for stimulating the economy in January aren't allowed to be distributed for a minimum of another month (the government has rolled back filing until mid February at the earliest). While we haven't picked up the recliners or the fishing gear I did spend $125 at the local market and dropped the food off at the local food bank. People need to eat in the meantime despite what the politicians apparently believe.
That would be never. We're in the Mohave Desert out here. Quite barren. The desert does have a very unique beauty to it though.
Never received the first $1200 check nor the second $600 deposit. I think I may be able to claim credits on my tax return later, but kinda glad that I don't have to feel guilty receiver give away when I really don't need it. Moreover, I am definitely glad not to receive the letter from the 45.
it's too bad there isn't a way to get money to people who are really desperate, without flying over the country throwing cash out the door willy nilly
Spent ours at the chiropractor last week. Hope our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids eventually manage to pay of this inconceivable national debt.
The IRS is so messed up. So far: My wife and I each received $1200 each at the beginning of the stimulus. That's $2400. Then we each got $600 recently each that's another $1200. Then 2 weeks later we got a single check for $600. All direct deposit in our checking account. I'm sure they'll come back at some point going you owe us money...Shocking!! lol... And none of it spent on guns because you know...we are not retards. I'd still trade it all in for a vaccine shot. Ron Desantis has Florida so jacked up we may never see a shot.
Your right Kamala will be the second term. In the mean time we have 25,000 troops at the capital sleeping on the floor armed to the teeth protecting us from Trump voters. Who when there caught will demand a pardon. From Trump.
It's like a cigar butt going through it's last puffs. The country's demographics are changing and will never reverse its trend. There is no way to "make America great again" return to the 1950's, when most of the worlds economies were destroyed. If we don't compete on the world market, we will lose to the East and the UK lost as the dominant world economic powerhouse after WWI.
Not quite "armed to the teeth." In 1981 a guy named Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat made the mistake of letting the troops in their capitol put rounds in their rifles. This is no ill reflection of America's reservists, one of whom technically is ME....but they're only there as a show of force and to establish something that they're calling (without ONE shred of irony! ) a "green" zone. Even as I type this the Feds are "allegedly" checking into some of the background information on some of these young men and women - a process that was already done once before when they issued them their M4s and M9s before their first qualification gun shoots - but hey.....a crisis should not go wasted, right? Retard (pejorative) - Wikipedia Meh.... I've got 6,000 posts under my belt. I've probably used that word once or twice myself, but......we should refrain. Besides...."Mama always said...." I remember traveling some time ago with an engineer (I was then, as now, a mere technician) in FL when we received some bonus or other. He bought an Apple HDD with his money ($1000) while I bought a Colt Combat Commander with mine ($500.) So.... While I could have stuffed the money into the market and probably doubled it twice, I'm not entirely dissatisfied with the years of service that my (now) $1,000 pistol has given me, and I have plans to pass it on to a grandchild....several of whom will also be taught firearms safety and proficiency with BOTH the Colt and the new Sig..... That will hopefully help ease some of the pain caused by that the confiscatory taxes that will be levied on each of them for this spending spree that we've BEEN embarked on since not-so-recently. Since Dot.Gov is already planning on kicking over another $1600-2000 for each of us I plan to further stimulate the local economy with some more.....ah...."special needs" spending . Not if she doesn't loose that cackle and learn to lie more effectively. Her performance in the primaries was somewhat underwhelming....and that was BEFORE her latest gaffs.....and she isn't even sworn IN yet....
Still waiting for our 2nd check. I checked on the IRS site Get My Payment | Internal Revenue Service it said it was mailed Jan 6th. One of or friends had theirs deposited Dec.24th. Yea, it looks like my taxes will be different this year. So glad the head of thePO got rid of those nasty sorting machines. Thanks trump.
Finally got it It was 1 EIP card for both me and my wife. 1 call to activate it, then to the bank for cash out and in savings.