Hi All question for you all. I purchased this car last May. I put about 10k miles on it. I had the typical gas filling up issues. One thing I do for work is gas station audits. It consists of pumping 2 gallons of gas (to make sure the pump is working properly). I soon discovered the prius does not like these. 1st time I did it, I was on empty The gauge did not register until the 3rd station. So it went from 1 pip to almost full. Then I was having the topping off issue. I decided the car was not a good candidate for this so was using my van instead. Xmas week my van was not working and I had the opportunity to go to Martha's Vineyard to do 6 gas station audits at a huge premium fee. I ran the gas down to 1 flashing pip. went to the 1st station 2 gallons in, no change. I did not see a change until the 4th station so 8 gallons and then it registered a full tank. This car is designed for island driving. Long roads no lights and long distances between stop lights. I went from 48 miles avg to 60's. At the next station, I had pumping issues managed to get the gas without spillage. When I turned on the engine the avg millage went hey wire. down to 10 miles. As I was driving around it slowly corrected itself. The next station I put the gas in a empty gas tank. I drove around did some sight seeing and went home. Drove the car 400 miles on 1 pip put the gas in from tank. The car started to buck and avg millage went down to 40. I filled her up with 93 octane drove her around and the put dry gas in. Car corrected itself but check engine light would not go off. Avg crept up to 43.7. I figured it was because on the engine light. Got it shut off and put new tires on car. Avg started to go up and now it is at 44.6. I was on empty again and needed to do gas station audits. Van still out of commission. went to 1st station put in 2 gallons no change. 2nd gas station 2 gallons no change. 3rd gas station no change. Pip still flashing. drove home drove a total of 15 miles. next morning drove 10 miles no change. now I am thing I put 8 gallons in should be full. I went to the next station and pump until it topped off . it took 3.78 gallons so in 24 hours driving only 30-40 miles I added 11.78 gallons. gauge says it if full and reset. Driving as usually and the pips start going down I am at a half a tank with only 150 miles. I did another gas station audit but put in 3 gallons. Gauge registered to 8 pips and reset. I drove 40 miles since last fill up. I tried recalibrating the gauge no change. I plan on going to station to see what happens. Does this mean the bladder is acting up fuel pump not working? I am not having topping off issues now. Usual at around 6 gallons it starts to shut off. What do you think is happening? Tia
As per the owner's manual, you need to add at least three gallons for it to register. Also, the bladder is going to radically affect the tank capacity depending on the air temperature and the mood of the bladder. It's incredibly annoying. Also, I'm curious. Never heard of auditing gas stations. How does adding two gallons to your tank audit the pump? Are you pumping into a calibrated contain and then putting it in the car?
Thanks for the information. The car did not come with a owners manual. Auditing gas station is a whole processes. 1. pump gas to make sure the pump is working correctly and it spits out a receipt. 2. purchase something in the convivence store to make sure the registers are working. 3. take a bunch of pictures, pumps sign, register area, a whole picture, just the store and anything that needs to be repaired on the building. They are designed to make sure the station is advertising the current marketing, station is at code, and make any repairs.
Here is your owner's manual: https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM47614U/pdf/OM47614U.pdf Unrelated comments: I encourage you to drive with your lights on when moving. your life is worth the gas you may use. If you put in less than 3 gallons at one time, the gauge may never change, if you start the car between filling. Because the gas gauge is inaccurate, I encourage getting gas with two pips, so you do not run out. (I once ran out 8 miles after the last pip started blinking) Long distance driving without high speeds or sudden stops should be your best mileage.
You would be far better off just using a certified container instead. That way, record of 2 gallons actually measuring to 2 gallons would be available. Otherwise, you're just pumping an uncertain amount... which isn't much of an audit.
And oh yeah the bladder is going to act up treating it like this. It’s already a big PIA and winter. Anyway you own the worst car in the world to do what your doing. Do not ever go below 2 pips it’s not super accurate and if you run out of gas in this car it could cost you a fortune. So many posters over the years have run out of gas in this car and when the engine dies you can motor for a little bit on the battery but many thought it was a magic carpet ride and ran the hybrid battery dead as they stupidly think they could just drive the car to a gas station. Then your screwed because the engine doesn’t start with a dead hybrid battery and the car is a brick till you figure out how to charge it and it’s very expensive and very bad for an old car. Plus sometimes it kills an older battery to drain it like that then it sits while you figure out how to recharge it. Bad hybrid battery is extremely common post on this site for all g2s. when you run out of gas and you will do not ev just let it sit. Bladder is difficult when cold out old bladder loses its flexibility. Need to let the tank vent before pumping. The bladder is under pressure when driving. Let it vent and relax. More empty it is more time it needs to vent unless you like your shoes full of gasoline. when you get where your going open the gas pump check last.
OK, I get it now. In every state I know of, the government is supposed to annually certify the gas pumps' accuracy. So I thought that maybe what you do is related. Sounds like more of a secret shopper type thing. Which sounds like a good idea to me. Anyway, the previous posts should fill in the blanks for you. The PDF version of the manual that Jimbo linked is better than the paper one anyway. I have it in my phone, tablet, and both computers. The search function comes in very handy sometimes.
Yes that is what it is secret shopping. Most people do not know what it is. A secret shopper no matter the industry is really checking to make sure the sales person is in compliance. I just tell people compliance auditor because then u are there for a long time explaining it. I just finished a oil change on at a Chryster dealership. I was livid because they never asked me what type of oil and they put in synthetic. charged me 117.00 Stealership charges 79.99. Then they tried to tell me the car requires synthetic oil. I called 3 Toyota stealerships all said conventional oil.
The Prius uses Synthetic Oil starting in 2010. While it costs twice as much, the oil changes happen half as often, so it is a wash. (I was a 'secret shopper' for the pulp magazines at checkout stands in the 70s)
I went to the gas station again today. Pump took 1.5 gallons and shut off. I had a hard time getting another 1.5 gallons in to make it 3 gallons. It wanted to spill out I just waited for it to go down. The pips went to 9 not ten. .I had to hit the reset button. Avg went down to 9.It was at 44.6. I drove the car around and avg came up to 50.2. Do you think the bad gas clogged the fuel filter? If I am good and go back to filling her up at 3 pips will the pips eventually go back to 10 pips?
Random gas tank 'facts' from my 2009, YMMV Open the gas tank to the air first. then do the credit card stuff. (the air vents out) Try the pump handle upside down. (voodoo advice, I have no idea why this works) In the summer when your gas tank and the gas is warm, you might get 10 gallons in the tank. (the bladder unlolds more easily) In the winter, when everything is cold, and the bladder never unfolds, you might only get 7 gallons in the tank. (and I live in MS, MA could be worse) In the Winter, you may go from 10 to 9 pips in 40 miles, in the Summer, you might get 160 miles before going down to 9 pips. (the bladder is able to hold more gas) If you are driving with friends who will help carry gas, you can go down to one pip. If you are driving with your spouse, get gas at two pips, they will bring up the time you ran out of gas the next 20 years. If you are driving with your mother in law, get gas at 3 pips. Never risk abandoning your MIL to go get gas, it is a fate worse than mere death.
I'm sure a lot has changed since the 70's. lol I do gas stations cell phone shops ( I can get a job selling them) dealerships (service & test drives retail shops electronic and clothing and because of covid T mobile safety checks ( go in store for 5 minutes watch the sales check and make sure they are following covid proto call. I bought the Prius because of all the driving I do. My Sienna has a 22 gallon tank and gets the same cruising range as the Prius. It cost half the money to fill the Prius.
Hilarious I think of the movie its a mad mad mad world. Ethel Merman as the old battle ax mother in law. Seriously I already do all the tricks to fill up the tank. Let air out, pump slowly, hold the pump just until it opens the vent. I usually only get 6 gallons before the pump shuts off and then another 2. Sometimes I have to hold the vent open with the pump and wait for the gas to go down otherwise it will spill.
Update.I talked with a Toyota geek. I was told most driveways are not flat so that was not a good place to re-calibrate. I would have to go to a garage, gas station (pref with 10 pumps) or a garage at a mechanic. I went to the gas station and re-calibrated it then drove off.I was on 1 pip with 368 miles. I needed to do a road trip so I filled her up. Al 10 pips lite up. It took 8.3 gallons with2 top offs. (slow fill usual tricks). I drove 148 highway miles and am down 2 pips. back to normal.