I got a p0304 code about a week ago. I've been experienceing mpg' dropping from around 45 to 40 each fill since Aug. I verified the code three times at different locations and the last place I took it they reset it for me the other two refused. So for the last week I havent gotten the code again yet. Overall except for the MPG drop I really havent experienced rough driving. I am wondering since before the code a week ago I did not have any of the modes set so I wanted to hit the econo mode and mistakenly hit the power mode. I changed it back within seconds and wasnt more than 10 miles that the code triggered. Car has 165K original spark plugs
It seems that you're posting about a 2010, and this is a Gen 1 area ('01-03). So you might want to find the right forum. But I can just say - egads man. 165K on the original plugs? Change those things.