Hello, PacNWer here; new to the forum & so glad to have found you all! Scumbags sawed off my cat. overnight while I tended to elderly relative & the shop (Renton, WA) is quoting 2k for replacement (full pipe from exhaust head to tail end $989, plus head gasket, ox. sensor, & labor). 1. Has anyone had a new Cat. put in place with just clamps? & How much pipe is needed before the resonator for the clamp? Seems to need welding in my opinion, but the mobile replacement guy says just clamps will do, while the shop say it need the whole pipe, saying it's too heavy at the front end of the engine to just weld on & there is not enough pipe to clamp! So confused & wondering if the 'girls don't know about cars' is at play with the shop prices!) 2. Can anyone kindly recommend a good non-oem replacement, please? 3. Is gen 2 exhaust system exactly the same for all years? Mine is 2007, would 2008 full pipe fit the same? (Thinking of buying one at pick & pull, but presently no 2007s on their inventory.) 4. Can anyone recommend a low priced shop or mobile service in the greater area (Everett to Kent)? Thank you very much
Hi Sorry to hear about your dilemma 2007 TOY. Not sure but I assume there is no emissions testing in your state? if so forget what I am saying as the after market cat will not fly but you will still need the hardware I suggest. I am fairly familiar with the cat as I just replaced mine so will try to help. So if I have this right they took the entire exhaust system? I only know about the cat so will start there. Clamps will not do. Dont waste your time. if they leak you will need it weld it anyway. All G2's from 2004-2009 are the same exhaust wise. The after market cat i bought fit perfect and has been on the car a few months good so far. Bought it on amazon and linked it. Your car requires a special exhaust gasket you will have to buy as the included aftermarket cat's donut gasket was not even close to fitting. I included the dealer part number for that. It was $86 over the counter. I assume they took the hardware too which is 2 special exhaust manifold bolts and 2 special manifold springs and the 02 sensor. These bolt the cat to the exhaust manifold. You will have to buy those at the dealer. You can delete the resonator the car will be louder but will not throw a code. Any after market muffler that fits will work. You must have a muffler the car will sound very loud without one. Look around for privately owned muffler shops. Call a local garage and ask who they use. They will be cheaper than a national shop like Midas for instance. I would show up at the muffler shop with: The amazon cat the dealer bought manifold gasket donut the db 2 bolts the db 2 springs the db 02 sensor they can custom install the pipe from the cat to the muffler. They can use a after market muffler Thieves cut the 02 harness too so hopefully they can fab that up. Tell the muffler guy look at that cut harness first before they start to see if they can repair that harness. Good Luck.
2007.TOY.Prius Look on EBAY-You can get a good used Toyota OEM Catalitic Converter for around $1300 Then take it to a local muffler shop and they will properly installed it for you for only around $100 And YES- Any PRIUS Catalitic Converter from 2004-2009 will fit in your 2007
@2007.TOY.Prius This link will take you to a post I made about an aftermarket exhaust. Opinions are like a*******, everyone has one. I've installed not one, but about a dozen aftermarket assemblies that use clamps. As with everything in life there are different levels of quality, including clamps, bolts, springs and even donut gaskets. The kit in this link is the ONLY one I've purchased that had the correct everything. It includes nuts for the bolts, but they aren't required. This is the only kit I've bought where the bolts are the correct thread. The springs are slightly different from OEM, but are fully functional. Should I remove my cats before thiefs do? | PriusChat and here's the actual catalytic converter assembly. There's a question on there about it having an O2 sensor connection. The website answered incorrectly that is does not. It does, and can be seen in the photos located between the upper and lower cat. It comes with a plug installed in it, which can be removed with an allen wrench. This assembly comes with the best gasket I've seen, of all the aftermarket kits I've bought. The one I received is easily on par with the OEM. The one I purchased was through a seller on ebay, not this website, but the paperwork in the box and part numbers on the box lead to this: YITAMOTOR Catalytic Converter For 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Toyota – YITAMotor
That surprised me Ed. Though I said titanium when I meant platinum (senior moment) The way I know was by measurement Volume and weight and then performance. It was a magnaflow MG559106 iPhone ?
I used exhaust clamps and fitting to assemble temporarily drove it a few weeks until I’d found a welder who said he couldn’t do it in the car but agreed if I brought it to him and showed him where I needed the welds he would do it. iPhone ?
Doesn't Magnaflo specialize in high performance exhaust systems? You would have to build a better cat to be able to increase flow.
My car seems to run better with the after market cat. probably the d screen was a little clogged I learned about later on here. Did not know about washing the screen good idea. And Shenck my welder said the same thing so i said no problem I pulled the car into its spot on the rack and unplugged the 2 12 volt lines at the battery and pulled the orange safety switch on the battery. No problems I drove away after the welding. better safe than sorry I guess.
Skibob, I measured the two cats and finding the Magnaflow had a greater volume. Then inspecting from the end I saw that there Were the same size tubuals or openings in the platinum core. I figured that this meant that it would have less back pressure and more surface area to do the job. Afterwards I found the O2 sensors indicated efficient burn iPhone ?
Ok, I was actually following your advice / opinion on this and have been recommending this particular Ebay Cat because I thought this is the correct one. Can you please confirm: Catalytic Converter For 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Toyota Prius 1.5L EPA OBD2 | eBay