He is welcome to his opinion: I have a Std Rng Plus Model 3. What does drive? The lies by SHORTs led me to covert most of my 401k to TSLA stock yet he provides even less than they did. So his free advice reminds me how hard it is even get what you pay for. Bob Wilson
"In 1966, four years before securing the Nobel Prize for economics, Paul Samuelson quipped that declines in U.S. stock prices had correctly predicted nine of the last five American recessions. His profession would kill for such accuracy." The market goes up. The market goes down. So do individual stocks. Even when the paths are a Brownian walk, there are always some prognosticators who are 'proven' right. At least this time around. Growth happens. Recessions happen. Bubbles, and their bursts, happen. A successful market investor should be prepared for all of it. By the time one becomes reasonably financially independent, that looks like just ordinary daily volatility of one's market basket. Down as well as up.
In a storm, it is wise to have set out a sea anchor. I'm happy for the folks who have made lots on the stock. I prefer to not worry day to day and to be diversified so that no single trend will do too much damage. I look at things that could happen like a better battery available to another manufacturer, a group of manufacturers getting together on a charging standard that makes Superchargers orphans or some manufacturer producing something as good but sold through local dealers so they are serviceable in a manner folks are familiar with.. Or some other disruptive event that makes Tesla no longer "it". Is Elon immortal? Tesla will have a large presence, but will they have profits to justify the current price?
there's an advantage to predicting market dumps ..... eventually you're right ..... So then you get to say, "see? Look how smart I was .... I told you so" And if the market goes up and up and up? Everybody's so happy they don't even care to remember mr. Sky-is-falling. Call back when this expert picks a date, only then do you know whether or not he's just blowing smoke up everyone's back side. .
Think hill is right on target , predicating a bubble, a rise in stock prices etc is pure speculation that will eventually come true Here are what some experts have to say "Take Home: Timing the Market It turns out that timing the market is not only impossible, but it is a fool’s errand. Unfortunately, there are people who will fight this ideology vehemently. Whether timing the market or gambling in Vegas, winning feels good. However, if you want to win at investing, you need to simply stay the course with a passive index fund investment strategy. It’s simple, boring, and wildly successful for all of the reasons mentioned above." Article: Why Timing The Market is a Fool's Errand - The Physician Philosopher There are many other articles that say exactly the thing and give the same advice.
... but many of those could very well be saying that from a poor house or homeless shelter, for calling it prematurely and over-acting on those predictions. This can financially ruin many rounds of short sellers before someone finally gets filthy rich from being lucky to have the right timing. And those who were in for the up side, early enough, may very well remain money ahead.
I sold all my TSLA on Friday at $882. Not enough to retire, but I'm ok with it. I would rather say 'damn, I wish I held it longer' than 'damn, I wish I sold it last week'. I've said that second phrase way too many times. Not this time. Lock it in, baby..and.....eat the taxes next year
And Hyundai and Apple announce ... not today but maybe sometime. Now if only the H part of that duo knew how to screw a car together. Recall city.
I'm not making changes until Q4 2020 financials come out in about 3-4 weeks. I'm interested in Austin and Berlin progress. Bob Wilson
for right now, lol. Although I'm out of TSLA for the time being, I won't bet against it. Not only has Tesla made many Tesla-naires, it's also made some broke son-of-a-guns that picked the wrong end of the trade to be on. It's ok to sell during a trend, but never fight the trend.
Just found this refresh from the OP video. Call it shorter's dilemma part II. Seems quite germain - what with all the recent hubbub about professional stock shorts, how they hate it when the public fails to fear & tremble at their every short. Favorite line ~ Artificial Market? Artificial shmartificial !! .
Inflation expectations and associated 10-year treasury notes explain most of the recent price movement in BEV stocks. As the article explains, stocks whose price is based on expected high future earnings are sensitive to fears of inflation. In these cases future earnings are worth substantially less in a high inflation future. EV Stocks NIO and Tesla Are Falling Again. Here's Why. | Barron's
When a stock climbs as fast as TSLA did, it's normal that it fall even faster. People who failed to sell at $863 are not as likely to discuss a dark future for the stock.