And a more significant one. All it takes is a couple and people will say "not in my backyard". Then how does the niche FCEV get from point A to point B? As someone who has worked with pressurized hydrogen professionally, tanks of pressurized flammable gas in less secure areas does not seem like a good idea.
And if more people adopt this, more chance for that to occur. Some chances aren't worth taking, given Darwin's theory has been right in the past .
Accidents will happen and man learns from them and makes them safer. But the reality is that Hydrogen Stations are safe and FCEV vehicles are extremely safe as pointed out. Boeing is a perfect example of how a company grows from their mistakes.
There are also some significant barriers to entry, which will limit the market. Once CA realizes that investing in this infrastructure is not value added, let's see how many private investors step up. I bet you can count them on one hand without using and fingers .
California is expanding extremely fast at this time and True Zero, Shell Oil and Linde all funding heavily along with Honda, Toyota and Hyundai. Of course money is also coming from federal and state grants as well. The money is there and Hydrogen vehicles and trucks will be expanding to several others states soon.
There are over 150 vehicle fires a day in this country. Tesla sold over 15,000 cars before the first one was involved in a fire. Toyota is just lucky a Mirai hasn't been involved in a major crash to this date. Most of the money is coming from government, and without it, these companies would have nothing to do with building hydrogen stations.
2,000,000 + Oh wait, that's still 1 million plus Okay, so much for getting dragged off topic about a non-existent vehicle, I read the sticker on the back of the neighbor's car and he gave me a link to show me this model 3 is not a unique customization; I'm guessing it's got to be a bone crushing ride, but if the looks meet the needs and your spine is extra healthy then, oh well. .
Car is on air - so actually very comfortable. Have many friends who have installed air on their Prius as well. Gotta pay to play!
Teslas have out-delivered the Mirais by over 100X. Or is that approaching 200X now? Until the 14 (or 17 now?? or a bit higher??) instances figure approaches the delivery ratio or miles-driven ratio, that comparison is completely worthless. Rather like comparing crash counts of Boeing 737s to Concordes at the start of this century, just before the later's only crash ever.
good point. but make it 'if you can' hopefully, toyota will have a stable of bev's long before a hydrobomb is available outside the best coast.
I think you'd need, for starters, a very carefully designed fission bomb surrounding the hydrogen tank, and also maybe to fill up with heavy hydrogen (extra neutrons). Not sure which filling stations carry that. But it is good to know you would be careful.