So we had a huge snow storm yesterday. I stupidly went through a snow drift at the end of my driveway and immediately noticed the abs light and traction control light come on and stay on. Drove to work and the regen is obviously not working. Fast forward 12 hours left work and lights still on and breaking regen still doesn’t work. Been running around so I’m thinking maybe some ice is stuck around the breaks? I’ll check that in a bit. Or maybe I did some permanent damage?
Asking the car for the trouble codes would be the best way to know what it's trying to tell you. I won't be surprised if it tells you a wheel speed signal is dodgy. Snow drift could have tugged on a sensor wire. But I could guess wrong. Ask the car.
Simplest thing to do is to check the wires for the sensors. For the fronts, you can turn the wheels to the right and check the left sensor. It will be on the rear side of the hub. On the rear ones they are on the top part of the back of the hub. The rear ones are more or less sealed. But the fronts work off a geared tooth on the axel. Snow/dirt may have gotten into that part and partially blocked it. If you have a code reader for ABS, you can clear the code and maybe it will be okay.
If you have a code reader you can use to clear the code, imagine the possibilities from using it to find out what the code is! In the likely case that we are guessing right about a speed sensor issue, at the very least you'll get a hint which corner to look at.
Sorry, I assumed common sense..... What was I thinking??? That's what I get for thinking... Anything else?
Didn't mean to pick on you specifically. It's just so often people get advised to clear codes without a word about reading them first, or advised to use a jumper wire to clear them without counting the blinks first. It's weird.
Thank you both for the help. It’s sitting in garage now. Going to let all the snow melt off and then I’m going to read the codes if they are still present in the AM when I turn it on. Then I’ll go from there and check the sensors.