Sears Kenmore Elite branded appliances in a house built 13 years ago. Refrigerator - failed, gone Washer, failed, gone Microwave, failed, gone Dryer, failed, gone Burner top, still working Ovens, still working Dishwasher, failed, gone its Bosh replacement poorly installed by Sears, gone Craftsman tools, if older than 20 years, still fine
Our Whirlpool-made Kenmore-branded Refrigerator and Dishwasher are both 15 years old. I forgot about the Whirlpool-made Kenmore-branded chest freezer, which is 20 years old, and for the first few years of its life was kept in a detached garage in NY so was often operating in an ambient temperature far below that recommended.
Chances are that if you ever do break a socket, it will be in conditions something like this. I'm pretty sure it's a corollary to Murphy's Law. Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I saw something that I think I might have misinterpreted to mean Sears owned the companies making the tools. ("As with all the Sears products, the products from Craftsman tools were not manufactured by the company although they owned it. Rather, it was manufactured under a contract basis by different companies.") I reread it and I think I must have glossed over that 2nd sentence. Looks like it actually meant that Sears just owned Craftsman. Sears sold the Craftsman brand to Stanley Black and Decker a few years ago. Wow! That looks like a retirement gift after lots of years of service, but there's no plaque or label saying so. I'll bet you don't ever use that one!!
I am retired and was a mechanic and then an Engineer after obtaining a degree. But I got the gold plated ratchet as part of a 75th anniversary Sears Tool Promotion Here is a link to ebay where some are for sale gold plated sears ratchet | eBay