I have read numerous posts here of the misfire problem on the Prius. I would like some advise on how to proceed on fixing this problem. I have a 2011 Prius with 210,000 miles. The car ran great until one day the car sounded like it ran over a rumble strip on the highway. The check engine light came on. The rumble vibration only lasted maybe ten seconds or so then went away. Then as the days went went by it got progressively worse. Always on start up and when ever the gas engine and electric motor were switching between each other. I took it to the dealer and the scanner said misfire on # 1 cylinder and random misfires. 1. Installed new plugs and coils on each cylinder. I drove it 100 yards from the dealer shop and misfire happen again ! Returned to dealer. The service manager said They would check into it further. 2. Replaced EGR valve and cooler. Needless to say that didn’t work either. Dealer suggested injectors need cleaned. 3. Cleaned injectors... Again, didn’t help Dealer then suggested to replace intake manifold. 4. New intake manifold installed. Again it didn’t help at all. Dealer now is suggesting to replace head gasket. I asked if they had checked the compression earlier and he said no. I think I’m being taken to the cleaners and into a very costly rabbit hole ? I have already spent a lot of $$$ with nothing to show for it. Would appreciate any suggestions on how to proceed. Thanks
Sorry to tell ya but you have been taken to the cleaners, the cylinder 1 misfire is so common nowadays n Gen 3 that they should of started with a compression check, you have been taken unfortunately. Those symptoms are tell tell sign you have a failed head gasket, I had the same symptoms when mine failed, currently 3 years since it failed and still running lol, I will replace it sooner or later. If you are at all mechanically inclined go buy a cheap $20 snake cam remove coil and plug and check cylinder 1 for fluid. That is how I confirmed my gasket had failed and way cheaper than a dealer diag
Well, work like that is part of what gives the entire automotive repair industry a poor reputation. I have seen some shops "load up the parts cannon" to try and repair a problem but this is ridiculous. Did they ever give you any test results that would support their "diagnosis" and that the suggested repair would actually fix the car? Did they tell you that they were guessing and had no idea what is wrong? If this was a warranty claim then corporate bosses would make the dealer eat the costs because it was a waste of time and money. I would start hollering at the higher ups at Toyota. The very least they should do is discount or no-charge the head gasket job once they verify that it is failed. Easy enough to test. Use a hand pump to pressurize the cooling system. Leave the car pressurized overnight. Pull the plugs out the next day and inspect the cylinders fir coolant with a videoscope. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The shop probably didn’t change or replace any of the OP’s plugs, egr, coils nor cleaned the injectors.