Getting financial advice is always risky but there were two "yahoo!finance" articles today: There Is No China Growth Story For Tesla; Company Headed To Zero: Shortseller Why Tesla Bear Gordon Johnson Is Forecasting Sequential Volume Decline In Q4 Good news - Bad news Good news, if these articles have suppressed TSLA stock price, now ~$410/share, it means a stock sale and the mark-down is on. Last week, TSLA dipped to ~$488, a great buyer's price. Bad news, sellers at this low price are about to be whacked the first week of January 2021. Bob Wilson
tempting, but it was $385 just 16 days ago. maybe i should dollar cost average one share at a time, all the way to the bottom. (or top)
I like Tesla cars as much as anyone, but as an "investment" the company is laughable. At a P/E of over 800 Tesla would have to increase their earnings by a factor of 30x just to get into reasonable floating territory, let alone being a value play. This is the problem with hype stocks, people with no clue how to properly invest buy them based on the name alone and they get pumped like crazy. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Tech stocks have been this way since the late 90’s With all the kids microinvesting it creates a way to gain and loose a lot of money like a horse race. the stock market no longer has any bearing on the health of a company and will boom and bust just because mah feelings
Plenty of dumb old people doing this too. I know a couple in their 60's with tens of thousands in Tesla stock who don't even know the company name. They pronounce it "Tell-suh." From what I can gather they just buy whatever the know-nothing anchors on the news channel tell them is a good stock pick.
Yeah. Sort of like that little online bookseller. They'll never sell enough books to grow into their stock price. Mike
thanks for free investment advice Dean Witter let me play Dean Witter now too . . . when Tesla stock hits a factor of 30x ?? you'll pay more for their stock than Amazon. There for? Now's your chance . . . don't wait! or you'll only experience a 400% return - like we're now only experiencing, having bought in during the March china virus lock down. With a stop loss? We'd really take a hit ... only a 300% return. Fly by night / Dean Witter wana be's score board? one to one. .
The exception does not prove the rule. The fact is, 90% of professional, highly compensated money managers with billions of assets under management fail to outperform their relevant benchmark passive index fund over any period of 10 years or more. These are people with the best industry information, tools, connection to the exchanges, and dozens of Ivy League PhD's working in their employ. They've got every advantage in the book, but cannot consistently pick winning stocks. To think that you will beat the best of the best while trading at home in your underwear is pure arrogance. See above. Good work, you got lucky once. But one trade does not a track record make. Now let's see your lifetime investment performance so I can show you how much more money you'd have if you just invested in a diversified broad-based passive index fund and never touched it. Depending on your net worth, chances are you've lost out on tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars by trying to cosplay Wolf of Wall Street.
Why, because they won't be number one anymore? Does Toyota cry itself to sleep at night because VW is number 1? Aside from just a few models, the Chinese EV companies are just selling in China, and maybe neighboring countries. On the New York stock exchange, BYD is around $24. Going to be awhile before they catch up to Tesla there. They want to work on their cars first. Even when using the inefficient induction motors, the Model S was more efficient than their US offering. BYDDF:OTC US Stock Quote - BYD Co Ltd - Bloomberg Markets Compare Side-by-Side
After all this time, you still don't get it. That IS Tesla's goal. They certainly won't regret it if sustainable transportation becomes commonplace. They will celebrate the day they are irrelevant. Do you often regret attaining your goals?
yep - the word 'may' .... " an unrealised possibility". Just like may not - an u realused possibility. Example. Someday, maybe 10 years from now, hydrogen cars may work, or, they may not. .
nor do rules extinguish exception(s) ... the so-called phd money managers all bought into the system that brought about the 2007 crash. Programmed algorithms that buy & sell on the likelihood of a ½cent during likely millisecond gains/losses are only as good as the number cruncher's & programme'rs input. Forgive me for playing the role of Captain Obvious. More obviousness & exceptions? There are great blackjack players, & a lot of their success is in knowing when to push away from the table - to plagiarize Kenny Rogers. .
The blackjack metaphor says a lot about how you view the stock market. As a financial professional with fiduciary responsibility, I'd feel remiss if I didn't correct misinformation where I see it. For those who want to invest to build long-term wealth and not to gamble, I'll leave the following SPIVA Year-End 2019 Scorecard report showing the failure rate of actively trading professional funds at meeting their objectives: You're free to gamble with your own money as you wish, Hill. Up to and until you (or any other self-proclaimed successful traders) post verified brokerage statements showing a consistent (10+ years) track record of beating a fair benchmark like the S&P 500, any financial advice given should not be considered as coming from a place of success, knowledge, or competence. By the way, after many years on various message boards of challenging these self-proclaimed successful traders who claim or imply they can beat the market, not a single one has ever provided evidence to the contrary.
I have these approaches: Max employer stock purchase that often came with very low fees. Then sell when I left. Only the products I like, Apple and Tesla. Lately, I’ve put some in gold mining and ARK funds. I keep some cash for dips. Bob Wilson
Just because someone invests a portion of their portfolio in TSLA does not mean they are gambling. I have a well diversified portfolio of companies that I researched. TSLA was the most speculative stock I own, but again, was done after much research. Tesla also has a mission statement which I find extremely compelling. As such, and due to the results of the research, I decided I wanted to support the company. Now, if I had gambled and let it all ride on Tesla, well, let’s just say I’d be buying tickets from SpaceX for their first tourism tickets