That's how I feel. 1978 was the last time I had a new car. 2004 I bought a 2002 Town and Country Van, I needed for work. 375,000+ miles on it, and still running...
Hello all! So here's a little update. The car runs great. Smooth and quiet. I'm going in tomorrow for an alignment badly needed after replacing the struts. Mileage tests are still pending. But battery status is interesting. So it turns out that I did NOT have a bad traction battery. In had simply run it flat trying to start an engine th at wouldn't run. So while I was trying to figure out what to do I charge cycled a bunch of modules I had around and built up the battery again. Yes I did the unthinkable and mixed gen 2 and gen 3 modules. So very many posts are dedicated to NOT doing that.... except for TJM_wrap who after going through piles of modules says the car won't know the difference. And I think he's right. Here are a couple screen shots of Dr prius testing. You can clearly tell on the monitor which blocks are gen3. And the life expectancy test is certainly an uplifting result! Happy motoring.
Glad to hear this worked out. I was getting fearful that your engine computer was toast and that might have been pricey to source. heck less than 3k cash and even if you billed out your personal time working on it you came out great. I am in the process of having one of my best tanks of gas mileage yet, Here in Arizona the mileage is only so-so until you can shut down the A/C, I am holding 52 mpg with 511 miles on the tank and Torque says I still have 9 or 10 liters of fuel left. The only thing I have left to do to mine is figure out if I can do any real sound isolation for road noise. On smooth asphalt it is great, but on chip sealed roads around here it is pretty loud. Congratulations on your success, even if you did have to call a relief pitcher in the last inning.
Hey, thanks for the kudos! yeah it was a fun trip, and I don't mind the extra effort, I learned a lot. Getting the actual Toyota guys to look it over was totally worth it. verifying that everything I did was right, and the problem was faulty supposedly "rebuilt" injectors was not my fault. Plus I could refund them. I'm not driving far so I Still don't know what the mileage is. Most everyone kept telling me to buy a used engine. Even the mechanics. I wanted to keep this engine for two reasons. One, if it specs out then I get to reset it's clock if you will while the used engine is more expensive and of unknown quality. Two, I kinda think cars have a soul, and I don't wanna mess with it's heart if I don't have to. motor on dudes!