Hello I am getting p0016 and would like to know if anyone has some info on a good step by step troubleshooting approach. My plan is to inspect wiring harnesses, find values for crank + cam sensors to test with multimeter, and some good info on setting timing if I go in to inspect the chain. If someone has a Gen2 PDF shop manual I could "borrow" That would be helpful. 2007 205,000 mi The car had multiple issues when I got it and I have since replaced HV & 12V Batt, serviced TB, new cats once those issues were addressed I put it to the road and I am now dealing with the p0016 code as well as an evap issue. Primary concern at this point is to correct p0016. Thanks
Wow... You might be set a record for most problems in one vehicle. Looking forward to regular updates as you keep working on it. Hopefully @SFO will see this and post that part of the repair manual for you
P0016 is a problem with cam to crank correlation- ie the pattern generated by the cam sensor doesn't "line up" correctly or sync with the crank sensor pattern. (the camshaft isn't where the ecm wants it to be). Now while this could be a fault with the timing chain (worn chain or guides, incorrectly assembled, jumped chain etc.) it is more likely to be a problem with the VVT system such as stuck/ clogged VVT solenoid, clogged solenoid filter screen (underneath the large allen head plug below the solenoid), stuck/ defective VVT actuator (cam gear assembly) or possibly low oil pressure. A multimeter isn't likely to tell you much about the cam or crank sensors- if they were faulty then the engine would likely not run and you would have sensor codes. You would need a 2 channel oscilloscope to view and compare the CMP/CKP (sync) patterns.
Thanks mr_guy_mann I picked up a manual yesterday, checked the resistance in both the cam and crank sensors, and both are in spec. I also found a plug in via Torque pro App the allowed me to view the crank angle reading which would fluctuate all over the place. Also i forgot to add that i would on occasion get intermittent misfire codes at one time it identified cylinder 1, then multiple, then nothing. I just want to be sure I address what I can before I go in to inspect the timing chain and related components. I am on my way out to the garage now to have a look at the VVT Solenoid.
I did a recent head gasket repair on my 2012 with 206k on it It ran perfectly in the garage, bled the air out etc. Took it on a test drive and got the P0016 code. Was worried I’d have to take the whole engine apart again, but I took the vvt solenoid out, as it’s easy to get to at the top of the engine. Tested it with 12v and it had a “pfttttt” sound when power was applied which is not correct. Cleaned it all out with brake cleaner, as it was gummed up with oil,water mix from the head gasket, and now it makes a very metallic clicking sound when energized. Refitted it and it solved the issue for me. Thought it was strange that the timing chain could have been fine coming off, but not straight after the head was done again, and stretched while it was off the car! worth checking for a quick resolution.