My older wife is in the hospital again on an IV antibiotic. There are lady parts few husbands understand and sad to say, I’m in that group. Still, she is getting good care and I’m here for her. Together 43 years. Usually the age gap is older male and younger female. But the female nurses always get a kick when I tell them our ages. Bob Wilson
Sorry to hear this. I hope it's not a UTI. Mom suffered from those for a long time. I hope Holly is home soon.
It is this time but there is new technology that uses a pump to capture the urine and keep the lady parts dry. With a clean sample, I can look for cloudy and get it tested. Bob Wilson
Yes - we too will be praying for your better ½ - as well for your comfort in an uncomfortable/difficult time. .
Sorry to hear about the infection. Sometimes they can be stubborn. As for the age difference, you're not alone. My mom's brother married a woman 12 years older than he was. My in laws cut it closer. Father-in-law was about two weeks younger than his wife. The got married in between their birthdays, so he always bragged that he married an older woman. And my wife happened to be born in between their birthdays, too, so her birth certificate proves his claim. Praying that the IVs do the trick!
Well wishes for you! I noticed with my grandmother and then recently with my mother that they drink very very little water/fluids. Should be evident in the labs though... moto g(7) power ?
Happy 245th birthday Bob! You can take the man out of the Marines....but...... All my best to Holly and the pooches.
Speaking without permission here we at PriusChat see Bob as an avid engineering doer and communicator. I guess there are other facets to this gem.
You can forget about your past, but your past never forgets about you..... Happy 11th hour, of the 11th day. of the 11th month to ALL marines....and others. AND .... I hope this day finds Holly feeling better!
I’m very sorry to hear this. My very best wishes to you and your wife. You are a remarkable individual and I’m sure you’ve got a remarkable wife. Hope everything goes well.
Inspite of her maladies, I walked a block away to get: roses, hair brush, Dr Pepper, and of course the wrong color lipstick. But it lifted her spirits and she smiled and was kind to the aide who came to take her vitals. Later, Bob Wilson