Click on "Start a Conversation" under the member's member name and status on the left side of the screen when the forum is displayed in a PC web browser. I can't tell you how to do it if you are viewing this forum on a phone.
If you can see the person you wish to PM, for example you're reading one of their posts and you want to ask them specific questions, look directly under their avatar. You will see their MemberName and "Member" in gray and under that the words "Start a Conversation". Click the words. I know you're most likely looking for a button and that would make sense given the number of other buttons on the screen. But alas, it is what it is. If you cannot see the person you wish to PM, then up in the upper-right of the window is your own name and an envelope. Click the envelope. That will take you to your "Conversations" screen. On that screen there actually is a button named [Start a New Conversation]. Click that and start typing the name of the participant. You will be prompted for matching names as you type. If you wish to PM multiple people, simply enter another name after the first and repeat. In both cases, once the PM is addressed, type your email, click [Start a Conversation], and sit back content in the knowledge that you have just participated in the most important of all rituals, that of human contact.
I do see Start a Conversation under people's avatars. However, clicking on my envelope doesn't bring up a screen with a button to start a conversation. I get three tabs- Conversations, Starred Conversations, and Conversations I started- but no button. Another question I have is how to get a listing of forum members. I can't find the menu for that.
that is odd steve, when i click yours, it has 'start a conversation', or 'cancel'. try reporting your post and asking a mod. then again, idk what 'clicking on my envelope' means
Yes, I also see "start a conversation" when I look under an avatar. What isn't working is clicking the envelope when I don't have an avatar to click on. I also don't see how to get a forum member list to find people and their avatars.
i have never seen a member list. to find a member, i use search, with no subject, if i have some idea of the members screen name. still not sure what an envelope is
The envelope to which Tony and I refer is the little icon to the right of your avatar at the top right of the screen. According to Tony, clicking on it should bring up a conversation screen with a button to start new conversations. I get a screen but no button.
Understood. I wasn't really looking to start any. I just found it curious that tools that I usually expect to see on a forum don't seem to be there. I was wondering if I just can't get my head on straight or if they are actually missing.
On my screen (even when logged in as my non-Moderator alter-ego) the [Start a New Conversation] button is literally right there. Priuschat - Start Conversation by Priapus posted Nov 4, 2020 at 6:41 PM
Can someone please check the site settings on minimum posts before allowing PMs? I have about 100 posts, yet I can't PM members anymore. I used to be able to do so before the last site update. I did some screenshots below to see that I can't Start a Conversation zip. I did uncheck the Accept Messages settings in profile, saved it, then check it back, saved again. Still can't send messages, tried other users using the "Start a Conversation" link under member names. The screenshot with the page not found is the error pop-up I get.
Unfortunately this is still a known ongoing issue which could've been first reported 'multiple times' on Oct 20th. We had a thoughtful response by an admin in the know who said that it should be fixed soon (over a week ago), and then an esteemed member said not a chance in hell, and offered free beer for anyone paying attention or who might actually get on it and fix the issue You might also try posting in some of the threads that I've posted in, and maybe your squeaky wheel will get more grease (or beer).
I Can't PM either. I get the same error message as the screenshot posted by 2GenPrius. I am also not getting notifications like is used to (e.g. when someone responds to my posts). I am Chrome on a MacOS 10.13.6.
Also, I am not able to "Start a New Conversation" when I click the Mail icon next to my login identity in the "navigation bar".