Is that the voting eligible population? Or the voting age population? I have suspicions it is the later. It is still very early. There are still plenty of votes to count in non-swing states. Last time, California kept running up the totals for a couple weeks.
i read it was eligible, but feel free to correct me. i only looked at one source. counting the % of votes left in states, i couldn't find more than a few million. again, i may be wrong about that.
A voting funny. This works no matter what party or who you vote for or against or if you're leaving a terse product review. We've been Star Trek fans forever. There was an old episode where a character called Khan (Ricardo Montalbán - think fine corinthian leather) was near death and says a dramatic line as he sends one final salvo at Captain Kirk's ship. When I vote in a particularly heated election, I think of this scene and line as I cast my ballot. He says' "From Hell's heart I stab at thee. For Hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee." Turn your sound up a little and listen for yourself. I dare you to not think of this the next time you vote or leave a strong review..
Absenting the relatively small number from states that disenfranchise felons, the voting age population IS the eligible population! It's an obscenity to our freedom that more people of voting age cannot be bothered to register, to say nothing of voting. ....but then again.....perhaps we should be glad that those folks DIDN'T bother.... It's not uncommon at all for some states to continue to adjust the totals after provisional ballots and challenge ballots have been adjudicated, and you may rest very well assured that once mandatory recounts are performed that the numbers will shift again - although not enough in almost all cases to change the outcome of the election itself. My own beloved adopted home county will process these ballots (probably less than 1,000) this week and our own totals will be adjusted accordingly.
More than 257 million people in the U.S. are 18 or older, and nearly 240 million citizens are eligible to vote this year, according to Michael McDonald, a professor at the University of Florida who runs the U.S. Elections Project. Eligible voters include people living overseas but not noncitizens or people convicted of a felony, depending on state law.
... over 5 million now, over 6 million in 2016. You are including the nearly 21 million resident non-citizens as eligible voters? Another complication is the several million voting-eligible citizens who, due to the geography of their residences, did not have the Presidential contest on their ballots.
i don't see a substantial difference between eligible voters and registered voters. one doesn't care to register, one doesn't care to vote, neither voted even though they could have.
I independently ran across the same basic data sources he used, but different pages and some different years. MacDonald took Census Bureau voting age population, then made his own adjustments down to voting eligible population. I went to a CB spreadsheet directly calling out its own measure of voting age citizens, under: Voting and Registration, November 2018 data page, Table 3, 228,832 thousand citizens (vs 249,748 total population). This doesn't include a reduction for ineligible felons. MacDonald used (Federal Voting Assistance Program) for eligible citizens abroad, then discards the FVAP adjustments for voting age to make his own. But I landed on FVAP pages showing figures for the 2016 and 2018 elections, not in line with his reason for discarding the older age-18+ figures, and end up with 2.9 million eligible, vs at least 4.3 M in his figures. Throw all these together, and I'd come up with a shorter-extrapolation-path figure for eligible voters, more than 10M lower than he did. ========================== Interesting overseas voter figures for the curious: 2018: For 2016, 9.9% requested ballots, and 6.9% successfully voted. Mid-cycle years such as 2018 would be expected to have lower turnouts, stateside or elsewhere. Where are the voters abroad? 2016: The 2016 report explores the obstacles that would-be voters abroad face.
Wow, so that is where Hurricane Rudy is getting his news! Sorry, but this so-called 'news' outlet is way out of touch, pushing already-debunked myths. The RNC's "A Team" of election lawyers is sitting out of this fight, forcing the Trump Campaign to field a bunch of amateurs such as Rudy Giuliani. Their cases are imploding, with more than two dozen challenges already failed in court. Three more of them were tossed out in different states in just a few hours this afternoon, even by a Trump-appointed judge. And more states are confirming their initial election results with only minor adjustments for human errors, nothing anywhere near close to flipping anything. Even the Trump's own DHS Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency declared “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. ... There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." Even after Trump retaliated by twit-fired that agency's Director a few days later, that Agency is not backing down. Trump is now so desperate to cling to power that he is calling members of election canvassing boards to convince them to halt the election certifications, and GOP state legislators to try to get them to ignore their state's popular vote and field their own Trump slate of electors to the Electoral College. These are dictator moves.
Yup. Khan also quoted another Moby Dick line in Wrath of Khan, although it was slightly changed for outer space... "I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames before I give him up!" Also in Wrath of Khan, the book Moby Dick was visible on Khan's bookshelf in one scene. And going way back to TOS, Khan asked Kirk if he ever read Milton.
Total bunk. What is NTD news ? If you are a religious person, you need to ask your Minister to explain to you how Satan brainwashes the righteous into doing evil things.
In my tiny little county/parish/borough (population 70,000) we had non-UOCOVA absentee ballots come in from all over the globe. We met on the 12th to validate (or reject) provisional ballots to arrive at the final vote count in order to certify our county results ahead of the state deadline. Much has been made of "mail-in" ballots, and since very VERY few people know how elections really work in their local state (to say nothing of the 51 others!) MUCH FUD exists. Personally, I have no problem with mail-in balloting, as long as the state in question is willing to do the hard work that is required to keep voter rolls up to date and establish (AND MAINTIAIN!) validation procedures on election day........and after. MOST states have certification deadlines, and IN MOST cases...there is more than sufficient time to count, recount, audit, dispute, debate....and, ultimately accept the results well ahead of this deadline. Generally speaking......even in 2020 things more or less work out the way that they are supposed to. It didn't break in 2000. It didn't break in 2016. Some people see Russians under every rock and in every crevice. Others see sacks of unopened and thus uncounted ballots. Some people just are not 'happy' unless they have wind-powered alternative energy devices to be joust. All of this does not serve to WEAKEN our system but, rather, PROVE how strong it really is.
Wikipedia: "New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD, ...) is a multilingual American television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City. The station was founded in 2001 as a Chinese-language broadcaster,[1] but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on mainland China in its news broadcasts. It serves as a media arm of the Falun Gong." For those who don't remember Falun Gong, its persecuted followers are at the center the 'alleged' Chinese practice of involuntary organ harvesting. It remains unexplained why China, with a very low rate of voluntary organ donations, also has the shortest waiting lines for patients needing organ donations, and a high volume of transplants, and a lot of disappeared Falun Gong followers.
The counted voted now exceeds 156 million. 79.683M for Biden, 73.707M for Trump, and (an older stale figure) 2.7M for others. I see several vote count races remaining. Which will happen first? * Biden exceeds 80 Million; * Trump exceeds 74 Million; * Biden's lead over Trump exceeds 6 Million; * the bins of remaining uncounted ballots are emptied.
The winner is: Biden's lead over Trump exceeds 6 Million. Beware that this may not be permanent, but may toggle back and forth a few times, as different states or counties with potentially lopsided figures report at different times.
Biden's lead is holding above the 6 million mark, holding steady at 6.029 million for a couple days now. But with only 63,000 more votes added between them over the past three days, it now seems very unlikely that there are enough uncounted votes remaining for Biden to crack 80 million. But whenever Trump claims 74 million votes, I'll have no problem with Biden claiming 80 million, as it is a smaller rounding error. Under federal law, today is the deadline for military and overseas mail-in ballots to arrive, to all states. Today is also the deadline for domestic mail-in ballots to arrive in my state, the very last state still so open. California's deadline was Friday. All other states closed a week ago or earlier. But these late arriving ballots ought to be down to a very tiny trickle.