-I was cruising in the freeway and my '05 just suddenly stopped. Red triangle, exclamation point. I was able to safely pull off into the side. -When I try to start, the drive indicator will blink a few times, and will die with no power. The start button will blink amber a few times. -I do have battery power; windows will roll, hazard lights, headlights will work. -A few minutes before the car died, I did small a faint burning electrical smell. I have changed the inverter pump a year ago for reference. Please help, I love this car and I think its the best commuter around.
Many times when the inverter cooling water pump fails, it opens the AM2 fuse. When that fuse opens, you lose the entire dash and everything goes dark, including the MFD. The possibility exists that the pump has failed, not blowing the fuse, but allowing the inverter to overheat. Without being able to read codes, it's a bit of a guessing game. If it's just an inverter temperature issue, it should cool after a while and allow you to continue driving. Just keep it below 40mph and temp should stay reasonable. If you keep your foot off the brake and press the power button 2x, the cooling pump should start and there should be ripples in the reservoir. If the pump doesn't run, it may be the problem.
Okay, I finaly checked around and the AM2 fuse did pop out. I borrowed a 15amp fuse from the Fog Lights. It ran for a few minuites and then it stopped, just like earlier. I checked AM2 an it blew the fuse again. Now I feel that the elec smoke I smelled just before it turned off has some connection.
Unplug the circled connector then replace the fuse. This connector will remove the pump from the circuit.
TMR, if I replace the fuse and disconnect the harness and the fuse does not blow, does that mean I have a defective inverter pump?
I admit it was an inverter off Amazon. I thought Aisin brand is sufficient enough. I will get oem this time if confirmed the inverter pump is at fault.
I have a 2016 Prius c and the code I first got was water pump not working so I replaced that and still getting that code and also from startup till warm-up I get hybrid system malfunction and the car shuts down. The only thing different is I hit a deer on passenger front corner. Is there anything over on that side of engine that would cause this issue?
This is important, the order in which you do things is a) disconnect the harness then b) install a new 15 A fuse. And yes, if you do that and the fuse does not blow, it does mean you have a defective inverter pump.
Okay, I bought a couple of fuses. I first disconnected the harness shown above then installed the 15amp fuse in AM2. I started the car, and the ice turned on with the red triangle lit. It did not stop suddenly just as I have experienced in the freeway but warns me when I put in D that the hybrid batteries will not charge. I turned off the car, checked to see the 15amp fuse in AM2 and it was still complete. Looks like it was indeed the inverter pump. I do recon that I smelled a faint electrical smoke a few minutes before it totally shut down. Going to Toyota to purchase OEM inverter pump. Thank you guys!