Hi all forum goers, I have a 201y Camry Hybrid and I am trying to diagnose a P0171 code. Sensors are finme and alternate sensors are showing the same code. I suspect possibly an air leak on the manifold or intake, but can't keep the engine ICE running enough to check. It keeps shutting off. Any tips and tricks to keep the car in ICE mode?
Set HVAC temp to 30C/max, open windows or doors, floor accelerator pedal to start ICE (if needed). Many leaks are small hose/tubing related. GOOD LUCK!
Put car in maintenance mode. @NutzAboutBolts video on engine coolant change shows the procedure, in a 3rd gen Prius. Might also work for you, or search for Camry maintenance mode.
Issue was a fuel pump not supplying sufficient fuel pressure. Having said that, maintenance mode is a useful one to know! Thankyou