The entomologists were able to attach radio trackers to three hornets, How to they teach them do do push to talk? Nasty buggers.
A couple other links that are less crippled under secure browser settings: News Releases | Washington State Department of Agriculture Do you really want to hear what they're saying? By the way, not about bees, but is there some sort of barley collapse disorder going on I haven't heard about? I've struck out on two consecutive monthly shopping trips now, only last time I picked up a couple boxes of Quaker Quick Barley because it was all there was.
I don't find anything noisy happening with barley. Production seems linked to varying planted areas, not yields.
I'm not sure what's going on, but we've been buying the large box sizes from Sam's Club whenever they've had it. Based on expiration dates, I'm good through June 2021. That sounds like a hoard, but it's not that much.
I made some soup over the summer with a jar of barley I discovered in a cupboard and am pretty sure may have moved here with me from Detroit. Which would date it to a quarter century ago. It may possibly not have been newly purchased at the time of the move. Right out of the pot, the soup had a noticeable "that wasn't the freshest barley, was it?" scent. But I had to freeze most of it, and between freezing and thawing, most of that scent seemed to dissipate, and it was pretty tasty soup. In fact, that's what gave me my current enthusiasm for finding more barley. If a soup is that tasty with barley that old, think what some fresh stuff should do.
That may be true, but I'm secure enough to admit I won't ever try one cause I'm "chicken". So there, now we know the egg came first. Century eggs a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. Euwww.
It seems lead(II) oxide offers a way to speed up the reactions and produce more 'century' eggs in the same period of time, an innovation whereby some Chinese producers demonstrated the power and dynamicity of business unleashed from the fetters of burdensome regulation.
Speculation, I wonder if the hornet wing beats might have a unique audio signature? I would start investigation by making ‘wings’ with the same audio harmonics as a hornet wing. Then sensitive electronics look for the signature. Bob Wilson
Go to someplace where they are abundant and record sounds. I think it may be tricky because of Doppler effects. Harmonics will all shift the same though.
Not sure that flame drones are such a good idea, but Flamethrower drone incinerates wasp nests in China
During WW-II, there was a project to attach incendiary devices to bats. The plan was to release them over Japanese cities and burn them down. The one and only test successfully burned down at least one building on a USA base: Bat bomb - Wikipedia Personally, I might use a 12 gauge shotgun with heavy calibre shot. Better still, a chainsaw on a pole: Bob Wilson
Was going to start a new thread but, what the heck. Got home from work today, & it was more of the same from yesterday ..... dog eating something on the ground like so many Tic Tacs. On closer examination - bees .... more bees. Seemingly dropping from the sky, in the throes of death. Some still trying to buzz, While others have passed. All over the patio. What the frig ..... none of them look bigger then any of the others ... like possibly a queen, as though the tribe has turned this into a burial yard. just don't know .... On the other hand, that 5G cell site they just erected nearby sure is working great! (conspiracy humor) Care to venture? As a side thought, there are mounted little hut shaped packets along the fences at work (⅓ loaf of bread in size) today (18 mi from home) & i slowed my golf cart down to read what the writing says on the outside of the containers. Rat traps? Nope. Apparently they're africanized bee traps. Maybe a connection? .