Hello folks I have a Prius prime limited and I noticed double vision through my windshield I talking with my dealer now have anyone else had these issues. iPhone ?
Is this what YOU see? Or is it a dashcam etc. image? I could almost explain if only seen in a camera if positioned above the HUD glass. Sort of a windshield acting as a beam splitter, reflected back off the smartphone camera, reflected back from the HUD glass. It's a stretch I know.
You maybe the first 2021 Prius Prime owner posting here. I have read sometime ago about someone having similar problem with the view through rear hatch glass, I think when viewed on the rear view mirror, but I can't recall anyone having this problem on the front windshield. That is bizarre. Did you have any type of tint or special coating applied to the windshield? No, I never had that problem on my two PP (2017 Premium and 2020 LE). Keep us posted what the dealer says about this.
In the past, there has been similar issues. New PiP owners: Please check your front windshields for the night time "ghosting" issue | PriusChat 2011 Prius - Windshield triples light source images | PriusChat 2011 Prius, windshield problems | PriusChat
Yes when viewing from my windshield out especially with road signs with the head lights off no double vision and with the headlights on double vision. I never noticed this in any of my cars. Same with oncoming cars head lights and rear tail lights. My eyes are locked into it now and I can see it in the day time I see oncoming cars day time running lights and in the concrete median on the highway I see same cars headlights as two dim little dots iPhone ?
For the 2011 Prius, the problem seems to be happening only to a few people. I wonder if this was caused by manufacturing defects. I did not find any posting of the solution for this problem in these thread, or did they? To be honest, I have not driven my new 2020 PP at night, but I don't think I have noticed anything similar to what OP is describing on my 2017 PP at night. I will check it on 2020 PP tonight. EDIT: After reading one of the long thread for 2011 Prius problem, it seems some did solve the problem by replacing the windshield. For OP's case it sure seem to be the case of poor quality windshield that should be replaced under the warranty.
Could it be the head lights? I thought I could see 6 deer but when I got close too them there was only two! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
IIRC there were discussions about Primes (at least those with Heads Up Displays) having polarized windshields, non OEM replacement windshields often resulted in HUDs displaying double images. I've not seen this phenomenon this in my '18 Premium or '20 Limited (original windshields). It's dark here now, but I wonder if one placed a pair of polarized sunglasses against a polarized (OEM) windshield in daylight and rotated them 90 degrees, would there be noticeable darkening, ditto for a non-polarized window (eg: side window or non OEM windshield).
My polarizing sunglasses worn normally/not rotated dim the HUD very much. If I rotate them 90° the HUD brightens.
I wonder if Smithrmark's windshield reacts the same. Also if the polarization is similar to ours (vertical, horizontal, or circular)?
The night time picture is most impressive. I would recommend the OP park his car at night and take a picture of a nearby light, like the neighbor's porch light from inside the car thru the windshield. Then step out and take the same picture alongside the car. Show that to the dealer. Another thing: The OP says he has a 2021 Prime Advanced. I thought they stopped calling them that a year or two ago.
only your ophthalmologist knows for sure Ah ha, sounds a lot like an old hair products commercial from last century.
Thanks for the update. Let us know what the replaced windshield looks especially the night time. I wonder how widespread the problem is?
Still the same problem Still in talks with Toyota and the dealership on what the next level of repairs are iPhone ?
It’s just the physics of a laminated windshield that is angled. Why Tesla's Model X Is Giving Some Drivers Double Vision | WIRED