If you wanted to check some settings while the car is charging, does it hurt to start the car for a short while while it is plugged in and charging ?
The car won't start (go into READY mode), you'll only be able to access ACC and IG-ON. Yes you can start and check some settings. Note you only have a couple of minutes before the car auto-shuts off.
Thanks, I was charging the car and forgot for a minute it was plugged in and turned it on to check some settings and saw all the lights on the dash that normally are not on, freaked me out for a minute thinking something happened.
Good thing it won't let you drive away while plugged in It will power on though as far as the display, but won't let you move even if you put it in gear.
Can one warm up the Prime when it's in this scenario? (As I live in the N/E where it's frigid half the year, and have always wondered if I could somehow warm it up while it was plugged in so that I wouldn't have to use up the battery for naught!) Also, sorry to the OP for semi-hijacking the thread here.
No problem, glad you asked that question, we don't usually get real cold here but I'd also be interested in seeing what others might say just in case we did have an extra cold day.
Not by turning on the car (it'll turn off after a few minutes). You have to use the "A/C" button on your fob to activate it. The car has to be locked (and haven't been turned on in the last 10 minutes or so). You can also set the charging to also include pre-conditioning when you use the "Depart" setting.
Ok, thanks for your response! OK, so this is possible with a Prime Premium and I would not need a Prime Advanced (such as is needed to use the EntUne App for that model year, as I presume nothing has changed - but if that's incorrect, it would be great to know as well! Plus, I would have to reinstall the Entire app on my phone if that's the case! [I think I have tried to figure this out in the past with mixed results. Sometimes it appears to have defrosted the car, but, usually not so much…]
For your model, you do not need Entune for remote climate control and climate preconditioning. The remote A/C works with the fob and the climate conditioning work with the charge schedule. Remote climate control app was available only for the pre-2019 PP Advanced model. Starting the 2020 model, the remote App no longer works on any model including Limited. If you have had your PP for over three years and never used either remote A/C or climate preconditioning, you should give a try to see if it is worth using the energy for this. Living in colder climate well below 20F in winter morning, my PP parked outside would not warm up sufficiently to make this feature useful. The heat pump is just not very effective when the temp is below 20F and non-functional at or below 14F.
What @Salamander_King said. Entune is only for app control (and it gives you some finer options for climate control). The fob version means you have to be close to the car (the fob has a short range). We don’t have Entune in Canada so we have to use the fob method or the timer method.
I didn’t try the fob method yet;I think I’ve attempted the preconditioning in the past, but not sure if it’s consistently working.( I think I mistakenly initiated it on few occasions and need to investigate it more closely!