Keep my new Prius C or Consider Different Model

Discussion in 'Prius c Main Forum' started by HanzSmith, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. HanzSmith

    HanzSmith New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
    New york
    2016 Prius c
    I recently purchased a 2016 Prius C With 24,000 miles and have lots of regret. It is a CPO and for sure I spent more than I would have elsewhere but seemed like an ok deal. I chose the C over the normal due to living in NYC and parking but also because I typically don’t love driving a sedan - I tend to feel small. However, now I really wish I test drove and was more serious about testing a standard Prius or Prime. Ugh. I guess what I’d like to know -
    for other people who chose the Prius C and tried the Prius, did you feel like the regular Prius was kind of big to drive? Does it feel like the windshield is far from you? These are my normal, I hate sedan issues. Any reassurance that my decision was ok or should I test drive and consider a trade in with obviously big loss? I should add I have a toddler and spouse and so the inside space for them also feels super tight. Maybe when my son is out of a car seat I’ll feel less this way. Just wanting to hear any reason fellow Prius c drivers love the C over the standard and if not why. And lastly any thoughts on resale value in 3-4 years if I put 10k miles a year? Reselling is another concern I am having. Ultimately I think I should have gotten a standard for my family size and driving experience and need help navigating whether or not to stick it out with the C. Thank you!!
  2. dig4dirt

    dig4dirt MoonGlow

    Apr 6, 2012
    Lancaster Co PA
    2014 Prius c
    Stick it out for a bit.

    I have both a C and Gen3 liftback.

    First.. I use my C about 95% for me, myself and I
    I drive just 6 miles round trip to work each day.
    I do errands etc
    Once in a while when I have to take the older kids around, I will also use the C
    And also sometimes when the misses and I go out, we will take the C if
    the engine is warm and the Gen3 is cold, depends tho.

    But I normally take the Gen3 with anyone else in the family.
    We have 2 booster seats in the rear to take our youngsters.
    When we go out together or dinner etc.

    I love my C, so much that I was waiting for months until they were released when
    I got my first in 2012. I then for some reasons traded in for the same old same old a 2014.

    I test drove a Prime, and while it was amazing, it did not beat me out of my C
    However, It was nicer then the Gen3. The Gen3 feels like a tank in all ways.

    But back to the C, it is light, zippy and fun, still after driving them for 8.5 years!

    Tough decision, but wait it out a bit if you can.
    Pri3C and HanzSmith like this.
  3. HanzSmith

    HanzSmith New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
    New york
    2016 Prius c
    Thank you! This is all very helpful.

    I think it’s mostly the noise and uphill battles that I don’t like. I really like how the C handles and will probably stick it out. I actually don’t even live somewhere that plug-in is very feasible though the larger size and occasional ability to plug-in seems nice but I’m curious - what made you find the prime not beat you out of your C? Is the C zippier in a way? Lighter? And do you find the C gets better gas mileage than your gen 3 or vice versa?

    Really appreciate your insights!

  4. Pri3C

    Pri3C Active Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    2014 Prius c
    I only test drove one standard Prius when I was shopping for cars in April (primarily due to the pandemic) and the Prius c actually felt roomier to me in the front seat. I'm tall, and one of the things I love about the c is how it really doesn't feel like a smaller car when I'm driving it. I find the front to be very open, with ample headroom and legroom and great visibility. I get into bigger cars that are more cramped and compact in the front. But it's primarily a one person car for me, occasionally two, so it's rare that I'm accommodating backseat passengers, which means I can keep my seat as far back as I want.
    #4 Pri3C, Oct 6, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  5. HanzSmith

    HanzSmith New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
    New york
    2016 Prius c
    Thank you! I did sit in a standard Prius for a minute and it didn’t feel quite right but was wondering if I actually test drive it that I’d feel better. But same as you with pandemic car shopping. Did you find the C had better visibility in terms of the windshield? I found the standard windshield to feel sort of smaller but again I didn’t really give it a shot. to
    Max Taiwan likes this.
  6. dig4dirt

    dig4dirt MoonGlow

    Apr 6, 2012
    Lancaster Co PA
    2014 Prius c
    I think I may just feel more comfortable in the C as I spent more time and miles in it.

    There is some other motivations behind it such as financial and others.
    Not broke, so why try fix by spending money. We are gonna try to keep both for as long as possible.

    The C does not hold value as much as liftback.
    But my value is higher for the C
    That is a good reason for me to keep it longer..perhaps until doomsday of the HV batt needing assistance.

    I cannot predict future, but for now I still rule the C over all. Perhaps a Prime would be in a tie,
    but that is just for my opinion and my driving habits.

    I have fit a boatload in the C back hatch(only a tad smaller than liftback), I also like how it is low to the ground
    and also low overall, very sleek and stylish.

    Keep in mind, the C is very economical, and that is why sound proof is low and some other
    features are sub par perhaps.
    I do get better mpg on short and long runs in my C vrs the Gen3 liftback.

    But overall with the two older kids and two younger kids to wrap it up,
    If I had to give up one and keep one, I would have to give up my baby C
    Toyota put just a bit more into the liftback for obvious reasons.
    But sticker was 50% higher for the liftback over the C roughly $30k vrs $20k at the time
  7. Pri3C

    Pri3C Active Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    2014 Prius c
    I'm not sure about the differences in the windshield, I just remember instantly not liking the rear visibility of the standard Prius I drove. The rear view was dark on the bottom half from the tinted spoiler (?) and the standard glass goes in a different direction in the middle. It was distracting. I also have a dash cam mirror that came with a backup camera. I have the rear cam mounted inside the car and use it quite a bit when I'm in traffic, so I have zero blindspots.

    The only thing I'm still adjusting to with the front view of the c is not being able to see the front end when parking. The windshield also take a little extra effort to clean from the inside compared to my previous Camry, but I'm managing. Just cleaned them yesterday :)
    #7 Pri3C, Oct 6, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
    HanzSmith likes this.
  8. HanzSmith

    HanzSmith New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
    New york
    2016 Prius c
    Thank you!