Hello Community! I'm watching a different forum having a heated discussion about the importance of the air intake hose on a Prius. Some argue you can just pull it out of there, the MAF and sensors are all after the air filter so it makes no difference. Others say no, that's an important part for air temperature or keeping engine dirt out of the air filter or other reasons of engineering we might not be aware of. I'm with the latter group, it seems to me, without that hose, one would be sucking up engine compartment dirt and debris right into the air filter. And that it would alter the intended temperature and maybe even the airflow. Most importantly, Toyota engineers put things in for a reason, and just throwing away parts then not replacing anything else is counterintuitive to me. What do you smart people think?
The inlet portion of the intake system is engineered as it is, for a reason.... designers exploit a property of air cavities known as Helmholtz resonance. Flow through the airbox is optimal at its resonance frequency, which depends on airbox volume and the inlet area and length of the snorkel. The resonance is typically chosen to be at a medium speed where torque otherwise drops, caused by valve timing overlap.[2]
Traditionally, these systems have been what you remove to change the sound of your engine and make the engine compartment look cleaner. In your case you're talking about just removing part of the air box system, not all of it, which won't change sound of flooring it at full throttle as much as full airbox delete. One insight usually not mentioned is creating an option to try both... In cold wet weather the engine would run better if you were pulling air off the surface of the exhaust manifold. In hot dry weather you'll be more efficient pulling in outside air from coolest dust free area possible, which likely is the existing system.
The "changing the sound" effect people like going for is the flip side of the Helmholtz resonance mentioned by TMR-JWAP above. The resonator (which on a Gen 2 you can find down under the right fender, sometimes mistaken for a fluid bottle) acts like a spring conserving energy of the flowing air when the intake valves close, returning it to the engine when the next valves open. By removing it, you can arrange for the same energy to be sent outside the car as a snarly sound instead.
Well, the air intake is designed to pull cool air from the outside the engine compartment- not doing so in a hot environment would have some negative effect on maximum power and more effect on emissions (higher NOx output).
Thank you, good info. What's happening in the other thread, is somebody's air intake hose got a hole chewed in it by a mouse, and there are several people arguing "oh just throw it away, it's completely unnecessary, you don't need it." I find the idea of throwing away stock engine components to be counterintuitive. Toyota doesn't put parts in for laughs and giggles. They are engineered for a purpose. It's silly to me, a $75 part? Gamble with Prius engineering? I'm imagining an air filter getting a lot of engine compartment dirt sucked into it at best. Hotter air going into the engine at all times, maybe not a big deal in cold environments, but when it's 115 in Vegas? And I suspect other problems could arise.
Its quite a air intake system with formed pipes and an airbox mounted underneath. I have tried a CAI years ago and the car did not like it ran poorly and its really loud without the air box system installed. Makes a weird gulping noise when you give it gas probably part of the akisson cycle and the tub in the bottom of the intake manifold. Bottom line the car will run much better with all that intake gear installed on it. Here's pictures of the complete intake. Weird formed air pipes and a white plastic box. Only after market mod I have done is bypass the coolant loop on the Throttle body the car really likes that. Not recommend if you live up north. Now 13 years old.
How bad a hole did the mouse chew? Somewhere between "oh, throw it away" and "buy a $75 replacement at the dealer" there is probably a range of completely functional options, from duct tape to fiberglass to some gauze soaked in black Plasti-Dip, more or less depending on what you have lying around.
+1 I've done quite a few "short term" repairs on split intake ducts using carefully placed duct tape and zip ties.
Looked like the hose was totally trashed. I'm just surprised to see so many people saying, yeah just throw it away, no need for it. If it was me, yeah I'd wrap it with duct tape until I could replace it. But replace it I would. But maybe I'm wrong and it's completely unnecessary?
Ok, a bit of a cranky Kris that only skimmed the topic, so if I am out in left field.... Hobbit long ago advocated removing the thing.