Hello All, I am a first time Prius owner. I bought a 2003 Toyota Prius from my boss for 1K. This was in June 2020. It now late September 2020. I heard a clicking noise for about a week, but tried to ignore it because I was going to take the car to my local Toyota dealership in a few days to get an oil change. LOL. The car ran well so I thought nothing of it. On Sunday whilst running errands close to home disaster happened. I was stopped at a light a few blocks from home. I accelerated and heard a loud clank. Car was running fine.....I pulled slowly to curb.....looked around and under car for fist time. OMG... this is what I saw. Major rust and what looks like the frame of the car separating and rusted from the suspension. I am definitely not mechanically inclined. I am a bartender out of work in Miami Beach due to Covid. Can someone tell me if this can be welded back together or am I screwed? I appreciate any and all opinions. Cheers, Meghan
Don't drive the car. It is dangerous. I'm not a car body guy. I'd have it towed to a body shop for evaluation. Hopefully a place that will do free estimates...
On a brighter note, I think the Gen 1 catalytic converters are going for around 1400-1500 on ebay currently!
Damn! I should cut mine out and use the money to have my A/C fixed! (Except it's been throwing the P0420, though only during the winter. Better sell it fast or I'll have to wait for Spring...)
They don't care about a P0420. All they want it for is recycling the metals inside, and they never wear out.
wow, weird your boss get it from, alaska? seriously, this car is not worth fixing, and you should not own a prius
Yes, the basic "ingredients" in there are precious metals. But all due respect, no one is paying 4 figures just for scrap. The metals aren't *that* precious, nor there in such great quantities. If anyone is paying that much it's to avoid whatever OEM is going for.
You know not of what you speak. I just sold 7 Gen 2 cat sets in the last month. To a recycler, at an average of about 1140 per set. No one was going to be using them to replace anything. They came out of complete exhaust systems, which could have been shipped as an intact assembly if desired. It wasn't desired. Certainly you're familiar with the theft problem that's been going on with Prius catalytic converters? You think people are cutting them out of cars so they can install them in other cars? Look up the price of Rhodium (if I spelled that correctly). Currently $13,800 per ounce (down 700 this week). I have no idea how much Rhodium, platinum and palladium are in a Prius converter, but it's enough that people are paying a lot for them. As for *not that precious"? I think rhodium is as "precious" as it gets..............
That’s pretty bad. Anything can be fixed. But at what cost. Also your tire looks warn on the inside tread. How many miles on this first gen?
You are 100% correct. My boss repaired Prius batteries and his main business was convincing Prius owners to swap out their cat with a new one. Basically just a pipe. The customer got $200 and depending on the price of rhodium that day He would sell them to a wholesaler for $700 - $1000. Yes. Theft is also a problem. They have an aftermarket device you can put on your car to prevent the theft of the cat. Thank you to everyone for their advice. I am going to part out and sell what I can.
Ok. I stand corrected. I had heard of the thefts, but people still steal for less than that - but yeah - even more incentive. Scrap was stuck so cheap for so long I haven't looked lately. So back to Meghan's problem...Meghan, if you get bad news from a body shop about the car, ask around for a reputable / trustworthy auto recycling yard. Chances are you can - at the very least - get you $1,000 back.