Not sure what you guys are talking about... My past 3x purchases have all been through PayPal just because I was too lazy to grab my wallet. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So far everything is working okay. Only thing is that I don't have an external mic so my Bluetooth calling doesn't work (no one can hear me). Installer plugged the port with the provided cable and that's only if I had an external mic. He will install it for free when I get it. Volume control works from the steering wheel. Everything feels smooth just need to get used to the touch screen. Sometimes I don't press it properly or maybe an issue with the screen itself. But I like the features that I normally use or would like to use. Tried Netflix and Amazon prime and so far so good Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
@jteran5 First of all thanks for posting your experience Regarding your mic problem it says on the aliexpress website that you must not plugin the adapter if you are not using an external mic, I suppose that when you plug that adapter the internal mic (the one on the front) is disabled ... Now I was looking to purchase the same unit but i have some things to ask you: - it's a must for me to keep the original reverse camera, why did you change yours ? - can you access any of the car settings that ware present on the OEM unit ? - is there a way to mount the unit flush with the dashboard ? Thanks
Yes. Installer plugged it. I just got the new external mic today and will have him install it sometime this week. You can 100% usd the OEM camera but I wanted an HD camera with a wider angle view. Kinda regret it because it's a fish/eye and the ends of the display are really warped and I don't see the corners of my car ad well BUT I can definitely see more on the sides of the car now as compared to before. I just really need the camera to see my rear number so don't really worry about the corners of the car. The extra viewing in the rear is a bonus. And the panel is flush. Just a little recessed. Don't think there will be anything more flush than this unit. It comes with a panel that makes it flush with the center consol Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
On another note, there is an option for the OEM settings but for some reason I cannot make any changes.... Such as DRL, light sensitivity, door locks, etc. I don't know if it's a canbus issue or not. With me being able to adjust the volume with the steering wheel and change radio stations, it makes me think it might not be the canbus. So idk Also, the interior of my car is very dark and the display is very bright. Had to get a 3rd party app to bring the brightness down. It dims when the headlights come on but not dark enough. The buttons on the headunit also light up when the headlights come on. Having a front camera is also nice. Allows me to park close to those parking blocks without hitting it. The only problem is that the installed ran the wiring though the shutters on the bottom of the car and now they won't close. I'll have the reroute the wiring when they do my mic Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
From what I've fount on the "interweb" being unable to change some options that were not available on the OEM unit is normal, but if they were available the you must get a password and reconfigure the canbus model/settings, something like the guy in this clip (search on 6QIeXwC_who i'm unable to post links) I was able to find a different unit that fits flush getting as close as possible to OEM finish, do not know if I'm allowed to name the company or post the link (mods?) Also on a Toyota tundra forum i found a guy who managed to use the OEM GPS antenna and for that he used an adapter i think the one below is suitable.
Well this AliExpress site just screams of a fraud to me. I've discovered the reason it doesn't offer Paypal as an option is because I'm in NZ - when I created a second account listing a US address for shipping, it did offer Paypal. When I try to have shipped to NZ, it 'declines' any card I try to use to pay with a claimed 'security error' and asks me to "appeal" the decision to refuse payment. And if you want to "appeal" - just look at what they expect you to provide! Copies of your passport/drivers license, photo of the card, and a photo of a bank statement!!!!!! Could the fraud be more obvious?! NO legit site would EVER ask you supply information like this just to buy a bloody head unit! Has anyone else had similar experiences with this company? Out of interest, how are you making out with the unit? What doesn't work? Do you still have access to car info/setup screens, back camera etc?
@FiremanNZ I know that the question was not addressed to me but since I'm currently in the progress of documentation for the process of changing my 2017 Prius 4 Lounge head-unit i can tell you the following details (prepare for a long post) My goal is to change the unit and use as much as possible the OEM accessories and features. Plus no modification to the car ! First ports available on my OEM unit ( picture is from the web since i didn't want to unplug everything) and their use. Not sure about the DAB antenna port. Best fitting unit I found until now is the DASAITA PX6 Max with Android 10, plus they have decent support (as in updates are available online and later you can change the SOC card instead of the hole unit). If you have dual FM/AM antennas (as I do) and want to use all of them (better signal, i hope) you need to get a separate adapter : For the GPS (and DAB) antenna you need the following adapter: If you want DAB remember to order the external adapter and an extra antenna adapter: Check with your vendor if the package includes a USB retention adapter if no you need to search and order one : If you also have the upgraded version, that includes a JBL amp in order to avoid a hissing sound from the speaker you need (yet another adapter) "speaker line adaptor to RCA" : Except the GPS and DAB antenna adapters witch are from an US company ALL others are available on aliexpress and/or amazon. Plus usually if you dig hard enough you can find them in most of the EU countries (albeit with a hefty profit margin) REMEMBER TO GET THE HEAD-UNIT WITH CANBUS ADAPTER (CB004 if remember correctly) What works with this aftermarket head-unit (according to all I have read and watched online): - OEM reverse camera with the moving guidelines - Access to OEM setup functions (different menu but they are available) - Access to read OEM pressure-sensors (can't remember the unit of measure) - Steering wheel controls with the option to customize them according to your wishes. - OEM USB port (if you use adapter) What does not work : - road sign recognition (the version I have tells me last speed limit sign it sees) - compass (on the small screens you have a compass that will not work ) - music information on the small screens - OEM microphone, the toyota microphone is amplified and most aftermarket units can't use amplified mics What are the issues I found online : - some users reported that the cpu is overheating and then throttling. FIX is mounting a radiator and/or a fan For more details you can search "Alex's Android Radio" on youtube. (Not my channel and not associated in any way). - static noise when no music is playing. FIX don't mount antennas on the stereo, and use the JBL adapter if the car has one. - if you have issues with the steering wheel buttons/bluetooth/dor opening notification not working you must reconfigure your CANBUS. Check youtube for detailed explanations and also the code required to access the menu. Until I place an order I want to clarify the following : - confirm the connector for DAB antenna. - confirm that OEM AUX input (the one on the center console) is working. ----------------------------------- Note : I'm in no way associated with any of the products mentioned, Just waned to share my research on the subject and hopefully spare someone of looking for information.
Thanks for all the useful info! Ideally I'd be looking to buy a kit with all the necessary adaptors for a Prius included, so I don't have to scrounge around 20 different websites. But... I had a look at their website; they don't offer anything for Prius. Other Toyotas yes, but not Prius. Am I missing something here?
I was unable to find a kit, that will include all you need, made specially for Pius 4. The one I mentioned is a Toyota universal but it fits perfectly, proof : Furthermore for a basic model if you are using the antennas provided in the kit/kits you don't require any other adapter. Here is a detailed example : For a car without JBL amp require only the head-unit (order the option with can-bus) and no other adapters. For a car with JBL amp you can test installing without the inline RCA adapter and check for hissing noise if there is none the you are good to go otherwise, if there is noise and you want to get rid of it you must get the adapter. If you want to use the OEM GPS antenna then you require an adapter otherwise you can use the one provided with the kit and stick it under the dash, from what I've seen online most people use this option and they don't complain about poor GPS signal. If you want DAB then you require the DAB option if your car has DAB antenna and you want to use it then you require an adapter, otherwise you can use the one in the kit if your car does't have DAB antenna then you have to use the one provided in the kit I've seen that some sellers also include the USB retention adapter in their general Toyota kit but that must be confirmed on a seller base, if there is one included then perfect otherwise you can wire all the USB cables in the glove-box and stop using the one on the center console or of course get the separate adapter I can embed videos L.E. : I think I should make a separate post with all the information on this subject. MODS: Is it ok to make a thread containing links to products, pictures and instructions regarding HU swap ?
This one, you reckon? Looks like it includes the CANBUS adapter? Ahhhh wait... I think I see a slight problem. It doesn't say whether the unit is 4G or 3G. In fact it doesn't mention anything about the cellular connection. I'm left assuming that, unlike the Ownice unit being discussed earlier, it HAS no cellular interface, it can only communicate via a tethered or hotspot phone? That's not really what I'm looking for.
Yes it includes the can-bus adapter. You are correct, there is no 3G or 4G modem builtin,however its capable of using an external USB modem for data connection. For my situation is preferred since my ISP already provides me such a modem free of charge, with 50 GB monthly volume of data. Currently that modem sits in a drawer collecting dust. Ex. of adapters :
And that just works, very simply, and it only times up one USB port? How many has it got anyway? Ah never mind, I can use a hub if I need more. Wonder how it handles multiple cameras? In an ideal world, it was use the factory backup camera - but also able to add a wide-angle interior camera (for skype, and for security if I decide to Uber a bit), a forward-looking camera for evidence, and perhaps another forward-looking thermal camera for night use. Yes I'm a geek, shoot me!
From my knowledge it has 3 usb ports: - one that I'll use to connect the OEM usb - another two that I'll route in glove-box for data-modem and accessories (usb drive with music, most probably) About the number of cameras I've seen that it supports at least a rear and front camera, plus another DVR camera for recording your commute. do not know about the thermal one
Hey Jtetran5 Which exact variant did you get k3, k5 or k6?, I'm guessing its the K3 PX6 with the additional addons for carplay/DSP I'm interested in the S9617 K3-PX6 with the wireless carplay ($30 add on). Few minor questions as I have 2016 model 3 with Advance Tech Package and have always wanted wireless carplay: Does the wireless carplay work well with the voice button on the steering wheel? Does it have HD radio? Not a biggie, but does it still display song/radio information on the panel next to the speedometer (I think its the "info" screen) As far as using Aliexpress, while its certainly a sketchy looking website, in general its pretty safe to use. It does look like its charging an additional fee to use paypal
Ah, I see that in your other post that you did get the K3-PX6 (high) model Further digging shows that there is also a community on XDA developers that has modded these headunits [ROM][PX5][PX6][PX30][Pie][9.0] Hal9k Mod v4… | Android Auto
To be honest, I haven't used the apple car play. I don't have an iPhone but figured I'd get the headunit with all the features. Same reason I opted for the 8-DSP. I mainly use it just to have waze and pandora and it gets the job done for me. I don't think I've ever seen the music info next to the speedometer even with the stock headunit
@jteran5 how you configure reverse camera i installed k5 high on my 2016 prius but reverse not working can you show me your cable of the reverse camera if you have thanks
Not sure. Had the shop do it but I went with an aftermarket camera because I thought it would be clearer since I went with a wide angle 720p one. I thought the stock camera would be be straightforward Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
How is it going? I have my unit now, and basic functions work but others do not. Comparing the wiring that came out the back of my factory unit and the inputs this thing takes, there's no place for most of it to go! Here's the back of my factory unit: There's no trace so far of the backup camera working, the steering wheel controls working, or the Canbus being active... do you have any idea which bits of the factory harness I'm missing? Here's the Canbus settings, and the menu of something like 140 choices... nothing anywhere mentions 'Prius' :-( Any suggestions, anything I'm missing, what settings should I be making? Thanks!