So this year, Tesla added two, SuperCharger stations with eight stalls each: Lowell AR, eight, 150+ kW spaces Ozark AR, eight, 250 kW spaces We used to take a +4 hour, L2 charging session at Ozark AR to barely reach Tulsa. Now we'll charge less than half an hour at each SuperCharger to quickly reach Mom's place in Coffeyville KS. Alternately, we can go to the Tulsa OK SuperCharger to visit hometown Stillwater OK. The other aspect is whether your car can take a fast charge: Many other EVs have 'flat' fixed charge rates at lower rates. Bob Wilson
Amazing how much easier your trip just became with adding the Ozark location. Walmart and their employees are pushing the charging locations like Lowell in NW Arkansas. It's getting better. I see about 12 Teslas a day now in my area of OKC. With all the out of the way places we like to go, I can definitely see a CHAdeMO adapter in my near future. I've been using A Better Routeplanner and others to test and drive every trip ICE we've ever taken in EV mode just to see the difference. I have all of our past trips recorded and saved in Garmin BaseCamp including all of our old Delorme USA saved trips converted to Garmin. It looks pretty good with CHAdeMO and various destination charging.
Don't forget it runs at a maximum of 50 kW. I get about 7.2 kW, 14%, at home and 6.6 kW, 13%, at commercial chargers. I could not justify the cost. Bob Wilson
We have: chicken fried steak (*) with choice of white or brown gravy; Arnold Palmer tea; Dr Pepper in the Coke machine; hot buttered rice for breakfast; grits with sausage gravy, and; fried okra. Who needs anything else? Bob Wilson * - Called 'country fried steak' but tastes the same.
Well of course, that's assumed for any civilized stop, but you've got to "git" to the next location "over yonder" ( that's with the finger pointed higher than the horizon). For the uninformed, how high you point your finger when saying over yonder determines how fur you're talking about. PS, you left out the deep fried, yellow cornmeal dipped, black bass/crappie/pearch and the corn bread to help with any missed bones. So that still leaves CHAdeMO or 120V.
Sad to say, coal emissions mercury and 'unclean' water has made native fish unpalatable. Farm raised catfish and tilapia is still on my diet. Bob Wilson
That's too bad. Bring your rod the next time you come back. Of our over 200 lakes, only McGee Creek @ Atoka has naturally occurring mercury contamination. I've been eating our fresh caught bass several times a month for about 60 years.
We lived in Atoka for the 5th and half of the 6th grade. I remember finding a 1-2" coal layer in a local creek bank. Lots of fossils in the rocks. Bob Wilson
Quite a few old coal locations from that area back up through Tulsa. I remember driving past a lot of strip mine operations along I-40 near Henryetta when I was a kid as we went to lake Eufaula. All of those operations were reclaimed and cleaned up statewide decades ago. BIG sidebar but there is one of the few intact "walking draglines" left at Red Oak, OK. It's called Mr Huff. All the area has been reclaimed and this really big guy is just sitting about 150 yards off the highway West of Red Oak. It's still there. I took these earlier this year. This coal seam "was" several miles long but not very deep. For those that don't know what a walking dragline is, it works like this . . . .