I've been reading about Eco Dashboard, but am not able to find the app. Is it available, or is it part of Entune? I have the Entune app, but it appears to be the same lame software that I used with my 2014 Prius. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
It’s part of Entune App Suite inside of the Entune App. I don’t remember what feature level and optional subscriptions you need on top of that. It’s number three from the top in the attached graphic.
It's on the Advanced trim, as part of the Prime Apps. I think it is only available on 2012-2019 models, and requires a Safety Connect subscription to activate the cell phone that is built into the Advanced that allows the car to communicate with the Internet independently of the owner's smartphone. The 2020 model does not support the Prime Apps. I think I heard that they will back on some trims in 2021.
OK, thanks for the clarification. I suspected as much. Don't understand why they're skipping a year on this. On the other hand not sure I would want to pay for a Safety Connect subscription.