A few days ago, I lost power to the 12V outlet (the cigarette lighter type socket between the front seats). I am powering a NAV unit and Satellite Radio receiver (since this XLE has neither option from the factory). The main fuse box I looked at is in the engine compartment on the driver's side. I looked at all the 10A fuses and none seem to be blown. Perhaps there is another fuse box inside the cab of the car (the owner's manual didn't mention one there)? Thanks for any info that would help!
Thanks Dngrsone! That got me to the spot. WOW! Not the best location (at least for my middle-aged eyes and body). Kind of a pain but I'm glad I did look in the main fuse box (engine compartment) first as that is were the little plastic fuse pulling tool is and that is handy. Appreciate the help! I'm going to look again in the owner's manual for this cab fuse box but if it isn't mentioned, that seems like a pretty big omission.
It’s a 15 A fuse. See my previous posting. For model year 2020, the fuse box locations are shown on page 551 of the Owner’s Manual (PDF). The instrument panel junction block assembly is the third one, at the bottom of that page.
Thanks Elektroingenieur! Yes, I looked at the manual again and you're correct. That fuse box is referenced. Good grief, that's embarrassing. And I did initially think it was a 10A fuse I think because of the 12V/120W writing on the outlet - a quick assumption that led me down the wrong road. I did get a lot of practice at removing fuses! )