I have a 2008 base model car with a Matsushita stereo model # 86120-47200 (AM/FM, CD and aux). All speakers stopped working except the smaller dashboard tweeters near the wing mirrors. Thinking the problem was the radio unit itself, I bought a replacement OEM unit, installed it and still have the problem. Highly unlikely there is a problem with two radios. Is there an "amp" somewhere else in the car that might be bad? Fuses?
the base model doesn't have an amp. possibly a previous owner added one. look under the rf seat. that's where the jbl amp goes.
Did you ever get your issue resolved? I am having the exact same issue right now , but before I replace the head unit and speakers I want to know if someone else resolved it another way?
Gallagher. Yes I got the speakers fixed. Took it to a pro. All the speakers were shot. Replaced them with new speakers. Pro couldn't fund any reason for the bad speakers. SM-G930T ?
So, the speakers were blown out? Nothing wrong with the wiring, etc... 'Cause I got the same problem with my 2009 Prius, all the door speakers stopped working at the same time. Just the small twitters are working on top of the dash. Thanks,
Yeah. There is a amp under the passenger seat.. jpl model. That ties into radio/ MDF If u go into MDF. Press audio go into audio settings.... if thers no response “ possible” amp problem if does respond still doesn’t omit the problem. I had advantage my friend had a 2006 I switch out with mine ( same corresponding part numbers). No luck Am still tryn at getting my radio working
I had the exact same issue with my 2008. All the speakers were shot. Very strange, but they all went at once. Anyway, I found used speakers on eBay and swapped them out in about 90 minutes. Going on 2 years so far and they still work. It is worth noting, I had the aux plug into my iPhone when the all blew. I was listening to a podcast, nothing too loud! Anyway, thought to include that if maybe it has something to do with them blowing all at once.
Yes same problem, I removed the door trim connected external speakers and they work perfect, 4x speakers were shot for some reason... Except the tweeters. Problem solved by replacing the 4 speakers. It was a pain removing the speakers as they were riveted to the door instead of screws... What a stupid idea by Toyota!!