Sacrilege! 2001 is a bit slow, strange at times, but all awesomeness. In the words of movie critics, "A must-see!" (As usual, the books are much better though)
Clarke wrote the book along side the movie production. A couple of his short stories were the inspiration for the movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Wikipedia
If you can, watch the newly remastered 4K version. I found it to be much better than the Blu Ray version. We just watched it again a couple of weeks ago. This assumes you have a 4K player and TV.
I saw it in the theater with my dad, but I was very young, and my chief reaction was "huh?". In all the years since, I've still yet to watch it all the way through again. I saw the sequel 2010 while in college (and again on TV some time later), which was enjoyable, but I might have made more connections if I had re-watched the original when a bit older. There was an anniversary release recently that played at the IMAX in Indianapolis (a real one, I believe, not lieMAX), and I heard about it too late.
Great movie. Release during the 1960s? Years ago I read a book on the making of. The movie's set building was interesting. FWIW: AI will be the end of organic life
Watched it again on BluRay recently. A local theatre told us they might get it in; would want to see that.
If you see the follow up movie "2010 the year we make Contact" it really seals the deal for 2001. You will watch 2001 again to pick up on all the litte moments we thought were just put in for fluff. There was a purpose for some of the scenes in 2001. 2010 answers them. Plus, here we are, in a world being controlled by..........
Warner Brothers 4/3/68 2001: A Space Odyssey 4K Blu-ray Release Date December 18, 2018 (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital HD) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - IMDb
Dang straight. This is the year that wasn't. I seem to be sitting around waiting . . . for something, I don't know what.