I realize this is years later but do you have any packs like these for sale now. I have a Gen 3 2010 I’m reconditioning and need 6 good modules, but am open to purchasing a whole pack.
I don't currently have complete Gen 3 packs ready to go, but I have hundreds of Gen 3 modules that are available individually. Would be easy to match to your modules and guaranteed for a year.
I’m a little confused, when I reached out yesterday you told me you don’t have gen 3 packs ready, but the very thread I was replying to was concerning a 2015 pack with 14k miles you seem to be trying to sell for gen 2 owners? “replacement for any 2004-2009, providing a complete update to Gen 3 modules removed from a 2015 wreck“ . I’m not trying to be difficult here but above is a quote from your post so what am I missing? I would love to get the price on that pack you mentioned or the price on the modules from that 2015. I have a 2010 that needs new modules or a whole new hv battery.
You're not the first this has happened to. Look at the bottom of every post on the left side, there will be a date. That date is when the post was submitted. The thread you replied to was from November 2016. I've built many similar batteries, but the last few months, I've been totally swamped with my day job, real life stuff, work around the house, etc, that I haven't been focusing much on building batteries. It's more of a side gig/hobby for me. I can look through my inventory to see exactly what I have available. It would be very easy for me to match up modules to whatever capacity you need to fit right in with your current good modules.
Ah, I feel silly , sorry about that and that makes a lot of sense lol. Frankly I haven’t tested all the good (relatively speaking) modules for their capacities on this pack. It’s from a 2011 Lexus. And I get that it’s a side gig. I guess I’m wondering wouldn’t I be better off getting the best/newest modules from you and then balance them before I install??
ok, so you have a 2010 Prius that has the HV battery acting up, and a 2011 Lexus (CT200H?) battery in your possession that you want to fix up and use to replace the Prius battery? And when you're done, you'll have the OEM prius battery on the bench? That can be a good plan, especially if the goal is to minimize the downtime of the car. How long ago was the lexus battery removed? If it's been months, any module over 7.5 volts is very likely to be in very good condition. Any module is the 6.3ish range has already had one cell self discharge/deplete and is likely on the weak side, even if charged up. Is that how you came up with 6 needing replacement?
I’ve got them out cycling them now but I think there all goners and the remaining modules I have from my original pack I reconditioned and got the discharge cycles up to 5000-5500 mah but I had to discharge down to 5 volts at >1amp discharge rate. And I think I probably was too rough on them initially with charge cycles having to high of amp rates < 5 amps. So my guess is I probably ruined all the original modules even if they read that the discharge mah was over 5000.