My nephew that works up in your neck of the woods, across the bridge, came back to LA. While driving he blew a tire (from it sitting for months and he didn't check the air) and messed his rims and tires. It's in the body shop now to get some work done and when he's done, I'll just slap these 15" back on the car. Downgrade him from the 17s he has on there now.
If you remember SFO helped install a new battery for him a while back, amazingly that battery started the car right up after sitting since April. Not sure how that's possible but the new Toyota batteries are quite good. I was prepared to do some type of warranty exchange on it....but luckily, no need for that.
He lost his job with They are moving out of California......can't take the CA environment. will be going to Arkansas
They aren't the only ones. I'm sure he'll find something that's a work from home gig. He's a Berkeley kid, so he'll figure it out .