My Prius started misfiring. Replaced the plugs today. Looks like it was time! So easy! Why did I wait?
Buildup like that isn't usually a mileage thing. That looks more like running significant additives in your fuel. Do you put anything other than gasoline into your tank?
Must be 214k. I bought the car used. The engine has been fine until recently. If I knew how easy the change was, I would have been on it long ago. The car burns a lot of oil and I have been debating replacing the engine, or giving the car away. When I started getting mis-fire codes, I decided to move forward. @edthefox5 I definitely stay on top of the oil and use Mobile 1 as it seems to burn comparatively clean. I've assumed the rings are gone. What's a LOEM, or am I embarrassing myself further by asking? @trm-JWRP I did run 2 cans of BG: EPR just to see if it would help with the oil consumption (no help), but would not expect that to leave deposits. Very impressive to me that car ran so well on these old things. 45MPG There is a great out-of-the way shop that works on Prius's that would put a used engine in for under $3k. Just seems risky as the drive battery probably has 0-3yrs left and no telling what else might go soon, CVT... I have been holding out to get a Chevy Bolt, but waiting for the prices to drop which has started. Seems the 2017s are coming off leases now. Off to change the plugs in my 2007 Prius and will go ahead and get another set for my sons 2005...
Exactly. Little. Oil. Eating. Monster. Your calculations on how many ways to lose at this point are pretty right on. Just keep the oil at the full line use a 40 weight oil to mitigate the oil loss stop using Mobil 1 that’s a waste of money and take it easy on the car till it explodes. It’s the toughest little car ever it may surprise you but like you said your staring down the barrel at the hybrid battery like the rest of us. Don’t put any more money into it.
Btw used engines are plentiful for a G2 and not that bad haven’t looked lately like $500 and labor based on the many I have seen on this site is like $1000 to 1500 ymmv.
A failed hybrid battery isn't beyond a DIY-er with some soldering/basic electrical skills - Even if you ask an independent to switch in a better/rebuilt HV battery, the cost isn't that terrible $700-1500 I'm guessing, less if you simply bring them your bad HV battery and take a good one and do the install yourself.