Toyota has released full product information for the 2020 Prius, including Trim levels, available option packages, and color choices. I've included screenshots of the individual pages from the PDF provided by Toyota, and also attached the PDF itself to this post.
Didn’t know the AWD-e version has a smaller gas tank. Good to know. Also, it puts to rest the different ground clearance.
So many levels and not enough mud guards and hood deflectors. If only somebody cared enough to better everyone's car.
I'd love to buy a Prius because of the car's reliability, gas mileage, infotainment and AWD, but I can't stand the way the newer Gen 4/2016-2020 Prius vehicles look: with the crazy, asymmetric slants, the floating roof with wraparound rear windows, and cheap looking grill, I wince every time I look at them. The Gen 3/2015 and earlier models were beautiful: a sleek, smooth, even and symmetrical design. I'd buy a Prius in a heartbeat if I could get the 2020 mileage, electronics, and infotainment in the body of a Prius from 2015 or earlier. Does anyone know if a redesign to something like the previous generation is a possibility? Maybe this would help Toyota reverse its falling Prius sales figures.
Anyone know why the L Eco has 27.4 cubic feet trunk space while the LE has 24.6? I am looking to buy either an L Eco or an LE, and cargo space is important to me. Some of the dealers said they are the same...but it doesn't look like it
That's because the L Eco doesn't have a spare tyre so the cargo floor is about 2" lower than the cargo floor of the LE (which has a spare tyre).