I give my local Toyota dealership a failing grade. I am 3rd owner of an 08 Touring. Over the past month, I decided to have my Prius serviced by the dealership so that a maintenance history could be in its' official record. I followed all of their recommendations in an order of priority. Every visit has had some small problem, mostly from the lack of communication between service advisors. I started out with one service advisor who created The Plan. Unfortunately on the day of my appointments, I would have a completely different service advisor assigned, and I would have to rehash and revisit The Plan every time. The end result is that I paid for a service I didn't request, therefore not receiving the service I requested. After long discussion with management, it was agreed I would receive the requested service at no charge. Great! All will be forgiven. We make the appointment. I turn my car in on the day of appointment. They have the car 4 hours for an Inverter- fluid service. But that's okay. The dealership is correcting their mistake on their dime. The next morning, I just happened to spot 2 new leaks on the ground. These leaks are perfectly spaced apart to reveal one from the drain plug, and the other from the fill plug. I immediately text a picture to a Manager at Cavender Toyota. They tow my Prius back to the dealership. 6 hours later they drove it back to me. Reason for the leak? Failed washers!(Seriously? How do 2 Flat washers fail at the same time?) According to the paperwork the first service was done by the Advanced Express Team. Leak correction was done by a Master Certified Technician. Nothing in the conversation admitted to shoddy, irresponsible work. It was the fault of 2 DEFECTIVE FLAT WASHERS. This is the same dealership that screwed-up my key FOB. Same dealership that couldn't duplicate my physical key after re-grinding their bad copy 3 times. Same dealership that performed a radiator flush I didn't request. Same dealership charged me an extra hour of Labor beyond their Estimate(without a courtesy notification). Same dealerahip which bounced me around to a different service advisor for every scheduled appointment. Cavender Toyota sucks.
If they are the only shop in town, I would drive to a different town! FYI, sounds like the person who changed your fluid torqued down the bolts too tight, only way to destroy those washers. TBH, you're lucky they didn't strip the bolts and holes out!
The invoice doesn't specify what they replaced with, nor does the Follow-up invoice. Their documentation says, "Work performed at the request of management for customer concerns". Not a single admission of a leak.
I'm trying to figure out if it's coolant or transaxle fluid you had changed. Can you clarify? I've never seen a properly torqued crush washer fail. Either the "express team" torqued it to failure, or more likely, they put it on finger-tight and never came back to torque it. There's got to be some back story, and you'll likely never get it. The language of the last invoice is pure "circle the wagons".
Having a "tainted" view of dealerships, I would view your situation two ways. First, they intentionally left it so it would leak, therefore getting repeat business from you. And secondly, they screwed up and didn't do it correctly. Either way, the consumer is at their mercy. I just don't trust a darn thing a dealership says. And don't get me started in how they tried to get my wife on one occasion and my daughter on another occasion to have things replaced that weren't even broken!!
Your dealership sounds like it is challenged on a lot of levels. Most dealerships are a hierarchy. IOW, the service people are divided into different classes of technicians as follows: A Technicians: all around technician that can do everything including computer diagnosis, electrical repair. transmissions and final drives. B Technicians: technician that can do everything except computer diagnosis, electrical repair. transmissions and final drives. C Technicians: very limited technician that can do tire work, new car prep, used car inspections, undercoating and some oil changes. Lube Rack Technician (AKA Lot Lizard) The lowest of the low. Unable to do tire work or brake jobs. May also do under coating. I think your inverter coolant change was initially done by a lube rack technician. When your Gen2 came back with leaks, it was then serviced by an A technician. Just my two cents
You sure? Look at your invoice. There's only a dump bolt for the inverter coolant. Then you fill up the inverter reservoir under the hood. That looks like WS trans fluid on the ground. Like the dump hole is leaking and its also dripping from the side fill hole down the side of the trans cause they jacked that up too. They probably opened up the wrong dump bolt as there right next to each other under there then said F it he's getting a trans fluid change. You picked a doozy of a joint there. And as far as your "plan" there only plan is a full and complete and by the book examination of your wallet but don't worry we gots donuts and a big screen tv showing some Tom Hanks pos movie. Mine has popcorn!!!
I would call Toyota North America to report this incident, and your overall experience with this dealership. And let them know this has highly impacted your trust in dealership service and future choices to purchase another Toyota vehicles... And I would discuss with dealership management on exactly what fluid has been replaced and what exactly you need it done.. Ultimately, I would personally prefer to have work done somewhere else and bill the dealership for all of the trouble they have caused you... ( I know it's unlikely they would do that, but I would argue that they are no longer trust worthy based on all the incidents of their screwed ups... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I appreciate you reiterating the difference. I am not sure what the dealership actually did since my request had always been for the Inverter to be serviced. I didn't notice the spots until I had backed the car out. Their relative position to each other looks like the drain and fill plug to the cvt, but that's not the work I had requested. As far as The Plan, these were the recommendations based upon the mileage of the car. None of these items are in the maintenance history of the previous two owners. That's why I decided to have the dealership perform them. I normally don't have the dealership perform maintenance, since I was young and strong enough to do it myself. That is not necessarily the case any longer(Nod to Sam Spade 2). I do need to have them confirm exactly what work was performed, as much as I hate to walk back in there with the small pile of paperwork.
You could easily tell the fluid differences between coolant and Toyota WS transmission fluid visually... They also have different smell... I would also make sure they topped off whatever was leaked out, not just replaced washer and or just tighten it back up... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If this is the 5th time they've let you down, I'm just going to have to hope you haven't told us about the hundreds of times they got it right. Because who would keep going back to that?
Yes George I am in the same boat things I could usually easily do I can no longer do is frustrating for sure. You sound like you know about the trans bolts it looks like that to me given the drip pattern. See so much dealer nonsense here really get to hate them after a while. Ask around friends etc see if they have a good mechanic you could use. Took me a while I found a family run place. Take good care of them and pay cash. I tell them up front I pay cash. Cash does not give you a rash. I duke the guy working on my car, they remember me from that let me under the car on the lift etc. I get ushered right in lol. It works. Bought my 07 new and the car has only seen a dealer for TSBs and one 3/36 warranty job.
I've never dealt with ANY Toyota dealership for maintenance before. I would just purchase the occasional OEM part.