Realize you are arguing with a professional who is paid to daily work with rechargeable batteries when you are arguing with @2k1Toaster. He likely has more battery rest equipment than you will ever see. Here is one example. Prius Battery Replacement Kit (GenII/GenIII) with NEW custom cells | Page 3 | PriusChat
Slight correction, there is a company in China called Yabo that makes copy-cat Prismatic modules. They have been for 15 years. And they are TERRIBLE! But they are brand new! Super high internal resistance, really low capacity. But shiny and never used. I personally never even bothered to test them as so many members on this forum in the late 2000's did test them and abandoned them. They are absurdly cheap in any quantity and from the price alone you can figure out how minimal the internal electrolyte is. Lol, thankyou. I don't really care if people listen to what I say or not. I just don't like them posting untruths like "fix your battery for $35 instead of $1600" as if there is no difference. Oh well. Here is one of many stacks of my personal at-home lab equipment. This stack is about a Prius worth, just North of $20k balancing precariously ontop of one another. This is for a battery project where I'm designing all the electronics. High voltage input and output. The eerie glow is part of the device testing... Think remote off-grid agriculture. Solar + batteries + lettuce.
Correction, Toyota is NOT the only one selling new modules. Maybe Toyota is the only one selling new "Toyota" modules. But an ebay or internet search will show places selling new modules. Just how good they are, I don't know. They "may" not really be new, I can only go by what they advertise. Maybe Totyota's aren't new either, maybe just cleaned and sold as new. Only they know for sure. Anytime you use a "used" product, you are on borrowed time. It may last a very long time. Other then say a door, or hood, something like that. But as I said before, if you don't have the money, you do what you can afford to do.
Oh cool to know, good thing testing the modules doesnt really change and its simple and people who have a multimeter can actually test them too. This is not rocket science and I can truely care less of that persons experience much less his piss poor attitude in a forum. Relax mr. Toast no one is gonna steal business from you little buddy. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Dude, you've only been around for a couple of weeks, but that's really not the way we roll around here.
Oh oh ok well how do you guys roll? Everyone has a prius but it seems some think they are driving a tesla. I guess all new forum users are expected to only learn and not know anything on here unless some seasoned user tells them they are right, wrong or who they work for or how to post and when. A big get bent to those who think they are better than anyone on here and just troll the threads only to put new users down instead of helping. Great job PC great job SMH Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Why did you come here? Since you already know everything about the Prius. And I am glad it's not a tesla! I don't like crap cars. It's clear you are going to do things your way no matter what anyone says. NO ONE is attacking you, we are just telling you about out experience. Though that doesn't seem to matter to you. A wise man listens to all the advice and from that has a much better chance of making the right decision. No one has forced you to come here. If you don't like someone, "ignore" them. But like I told Walt, If you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothin at all!
I came here of my own free will and wanted to join this forum because well I am new to the prius and have joined forums before for other vehicles I have and had. There is good and bad forum conduct and from what I have seen in the short time I have been here is that there is no good forum conduct. Just rude comments back and forth like their lives depended on it. Relax everyone. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Correct and that is why I will dismiss all the childish behavior and continue to post my experience in working on my prius. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
To test a module so that it can be put in a donor pack (or to test a pack to find a matching module) it can be done with a multimeter. But it requires integration. This means you need a long time period and low current to manually record samples with enough fidelity to approximate with a Riemann sum. And this isn't easy to do as you have to babysit it the whole time. The machine @Prodigyplace showed is essentially a fancy power supply, electronic load, and multimeter with the power of math built in. One if its core functions is to do integration with such small discrete time steps you can have very large charge and discharge levels without adding too much error to the summation. The time steps are most definitely periodic and constant, the measurements are calibrated to many digits, and the results are accurate. If you are not integrating data to "test modules", you aren't doing it right. Pure and simple. NiMH like all batteries are more complex than just a voltage measurement and a resistance measurement. If you are fooling yourself, again I don't care. But spreading misinformation shouldn't be tolerated.
2k1 is suddenly "not tolerating rude behavior" now there's the pot calling the kettle black! You guys really need to ease up on this new guy. He will probably learn what you were trying to say, midway thru his third or fourth battery rebuild. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Read again please. I don't care if you're rude. I only care if you're wrong. Misinformation is the problem. Not tone. If you're right, I really don't care how you convey your message.
I will be here to let you know when I need to do anything to the hybrid battery. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
We do not need you as a new Prius user to try to come and educate us. You did not come here to learn. Why ARE you here??