Hey I’ve been having so many issues with this. Including getting locked out of the car. The dreaded black dash. Brake sticking on. I’m just wondering if these “eBay” fixes where you send in your combination meter for repair actually work... I’m really getting close to the stage where I actually want to get this done. Fed up of climbing in and out of the trunk of my car from inside to pull that white plastic cord out from the battery to reset everything!
Seen loads of these for sale on eBay as an exchange - also been quoted $400 to have it fixed by a specialist
texashybridbatteries.com ask for matt. never heard of it affecting the brakes... have you tested the 12v?
Whoa.....you need to pause for a moment and take a breath. It doesn't sound to me like the problems you describe are all being caused by a faulty combo meter; maybe none of them. You NEED to be sure that your 12 V battery and it's main connections are good FIRST before you go spending money on any other guesses.
I’m pretty sure the battery is ok - it’s brand new only a few months ago from les shwab. Should be ok
In this case, you need to identify the exact problem. This will work by elimination. First, what exactly is going wrong? Brakes? Combination meter? First observe physical condition, could be stuck, rusty, etc.
if u got medium solder skills, the part is cheap, few bucks at most, just getting to the board, that's the b&&&& ... on 1st time, its over an hour to tear down to get at it and with the age of plastic, likely brittle , things will break and need glueing .. but replacing the 100uF with a 220 uF will make u wonder why all that work had to be done for such a simple part replacement .. putting back together is ... a little easier .. this gets your dash display back, the hatch unlock back, cruise, and prob. a few other functions ...
Famous last words. Don't assume. Get it checked. IF....they did not fully charge it before installing it, then it likely is NOT OK. And sometimes the main connections are not good. And once in a great while, a new battery goes bad too.
If they did not charge before installing, no problem. The battery gets charged during drive... It's the same. But some new battery can be bad...
"It's the same....." as what, exactly ? The 12 V battery is relatively small and so is the charging capacity. It is a known difference from most cars that hybrids can't completely recharge a flat battery as fast as a conventional car will.
...it's the same thing as they charge it BEFORE installation. That means the battery, if it's in good shape gets charged during normal operation of car. Recharging the 12 volt battery Unlike normal cars, the Prius does not charge the 12 volt battery via an alternator spun by the engine. This vehicle charges its 12 volt battery from the hybrid system, so if you are unable to take the car out for a run for any reason, just switching the system on for a while will do the job. To maintain charge in the 12V battery if the car is not being used often, Toyota recommend putting the car in 'Ready' mode for one hour, once per week. If the battery is completely flat, the vehicle may need to be put in 'Ready' for 4 - 8 hours to fully recharge. Be aware that the engine will start occasionally to ensure the high voltage battery doesn't discharge - so this should only be done in a well-ventilated area, not a closed garage. Doing this will also wreck your miles per gallon record. Alternatively, the 12 volt battery can also be recharged using a standard car battery charger. The source is here
OR it could be driven.......for 4 to 8 hours. Which is pretty much exactly what I said. "Normal" daily driving, if it is an hour or less, often will not EVER bring a flat battery up to full charge.