Found some threads on underbody panels. Noticed one of mine is coming off- is the best bet to either buy from dealership or look for junk yard? Will ct200 have identical panels? Thanks!
CT200h has a different body shape, so I wouldn't think they would be the same. Dealers are very expensive for these, a junker's would be cheaper.
I checked and unfortunately it isn’t the pins. It’s the panel. The circular area where the pins go is torn, so it isn’t a full circle, think of it as a half moon; so the pin doesn’t stay and part of the panel just hangs
Even a regular washer diameter (not oversized) would probably be effective. Or a short section of plumber's pipe hanger strap? You may need to drill-out the ID of whatever you use, slightly. You want it to closely match the original hole diameter. Panel and fastener part number info: SUSPENSION CROSSMEMBER & UNDER COVER. 2013 Toyota Prius Four HYBRID | Toyota (click on "view more images", for the frontmost panels) And for the piece directly behind the front fairing: FRONT BUMPER & BUMPER STAY. 2013 Toyota Prius Four HYBRID | Toyota
Geez I can't let go: One possible issue with adding a washer, it increases the thickness the fastener has to go through (the "grip"), and might make it difficult for the fastener jaws to work properly. Considering that, a very thin washer, say just a snipped out square of aluminum flashing material with a hole drilled through, or some sort of thin/concaved washer, might be best. McMaster-Carr
Besides finding alternate push fasteners, most people have an unlimited stock of aluminium washers in the fridge. Thin gauge cuts with scissors. Coke cans