Thanks! I'll see how hot it gets this summer and keep this in mind. I do enjoy the translucent material of the current canopy, but if it turns into an oven I'll have to do something.
I was in an attic once with that stuff stapled to some of the rafters, and outside the sun was shining, and boy could I tell the instant I moved from an area in the attic where I was under the stuff to an area where I wasn't. All totally enclosed under a shingled roof!
There are a lot of gators around where I'm camping, including one that I can hear grunting in the small pond/ditch just behind me. Just a few days ago I was visiting a friend who lives on his boat which is docked at a marina on a nearby lake. Someone had been feeding a big alligator so the decision was made to remove (kill) this 11 foot long gator. Don't feed gators! My guess is that this gator weighed around 400 pounds/180kg. It could have been more, but not less. The ranger who killed it got into the bed of his truck and threw a webbed strap with a loop down to me and three other men. Even though it had been shot in the head several times, it was still flopping around quite a bit. It didn't seem dead to us! Anyway, the ranger said to slip the loop around the gator's head. That meant picking up the nose of the gator. Hmmm. He obviously needed someone not too smart, so I volunteered. It was quite a rush to grab his snout and lift that big head up. With the ranger on the truck pulling, and us lifting the gator, we barely managed to push it up into the bed. The ranger had to make a cut in the tail for tagging purposes, and as he did so the tail whipped around wildly. He said this is typical. So the hide and meat will be sold. It's a shame really, it was really a beautiful creature.
I like how open your camp setup is. It's giving me ideas: How to put together a camp like that with the minimum amount of gear. A Prius Camper by itself can be a bit claustrophobic. At night, it would be nice to be able to easily get out of the vehicle to stretch out every once in a while. Your hatch release string fixes that problem nicely.
I'll do a video of the complete inside soon, when I get it a bit more organized. The screen room folds to about 46 X 10 X 15 inches I believe.
Mine came factory with a hatch release string, maybe an Australian legal thing? I use a similar gazebo camping but I havnt got the screen room for it, makes for a nice flat comfy bed in the car, and plenty of room outside for lounging or cooking, I havnt used it with my Prius yet but here it is with my old Subaru (I usually put it behind the car)
I would've expected that mosquito netting would be mandatory there, esp for camping in the outback. So far, I've only used my setup for chasing solar eclipses. Otherwise, I only carry a pup tent. My amateur astronomy kit is not organized enough to use on a regular basis. It barely fits in my vehicle and takes too long to set up... ...which is why I am looking for new ideas. Thanx for the pics.
...And that's another great idea! The light-weight stuff really doesn't take up much space at all. I recently received some samples of super light-weight netting and I just happened to be researching this very subject when you started posting your photos. I'm thinking about using the fly setup (shown in my photo) with my new Prius and adding mosquito netting to it. It would be much smaller than your setup but easier to make camp.
That might be easier, but the canopy I have is fairly easy to set up. I've used many 3 X 3 meter canopies and can set them up by myself in minutes. This 3 X 6 unit took longer of course but not that much really. With a little practice I think I could set it up in about 15 minutes. As a side note, I might have damaged some of the supports when I set this unit up by myself. As I extended the legs to the first locking position it put strain on some of the joints of the supports in the roof. One solution is to have a friend or two help, but another would be to use quick release clamps as your friends. (Clamps never ask to borrow money...) You would extend a leg a small distance and fix a clamp just below to hold it. Then work your way around the other five legs and repeat until you reach the first locking position, a little less than a meter from the unextended position. That should avoid undue stress on the supports although it would add a bit more time to process. Even with that additional step I think I could do it in 20 minutes.
Actually it took some trial and error before I figured out how to erect it. The fly that I use is for a ten man tent, and it normally relies on the tent for support. However, with practice it can be fairly quickly set up stand-alone, as shown in my photo... ...IFF (if and only if) there is no wind. On windy days, it's right near impossible, so I need to come up with some new tricks to do that. One nice thing tho is once it's up, it STAYS up. If you use pet stakes, not even gale force winds can take it down (even when everything underneath the fly gets blown away). Best of all, the fly takes up very little storage space - just the bag for the spring-loaded tent poles and stakes. The fly itself can be stuffed down to less than a quart size ziplock bag which gets stowed with the poles. Mosquito netting (/w your Velcro strips) would be about half that. I'm really interested in the other things you've done tho - like the exhaust setup. As with other cars, you normal don't have to worry about CO in a Prius unless you are in a closed environment, like a garage. However, I'm like you. At night, when I get settled in, I worry about it anyhow, and will go to lengths to dispel the thought of not waking up the next day. I use a CO monitor and keep my windows cracked open, but even then it still bugs me. When you come up with a final configuration for the exhaust system, I would like to know what you ended up doing with it.
Ice, I have used a clothes dryer exhaust hose over the exhaust pipe to lead fumes away from the car. Not perfect, but it works pretty good and is easy to setup and take down. If you also have the CO alarm... you are likely more than safe. Also, to be commercial, have a look at my company, PlugOut Power.
Thanx. However, I am trying to restrict myself to items that can be collapsed for stowage. Maybe a duct equivalent of the "bullet hose" (a duct whose liner - not the duct itself - can be pressurized with a hand pump to keep it from collapsing, and then vented for storage). PlugOut Power? I googled it but didn't see anything...
The pvc fitting and duct I'm using is working very well. Here's a LINK. It compresses to a fairly small size and is very light weight. I'm spending a lot of time just behind my car, so it's not really about sleeping as much as making my hang out area acceptable.
I'm considering drilling a couple of extra holes in each leg so there are more locking positions available on mine. It takes me longer to pull the bag out if the car than it does to set up without the mosquito netting, I may buy the available net walls in future but I've been pretty lucky so far camping in bug free environments.
I was getting ready to buy this product and realized that it's mirror-like. Figures given the name... Just trying to figure out how I feel about lining my ceiling with a mirror!