So I only have one key for my Prius I've been looking to get another However as I brows eBay and Amazon I keep seeing this message that if your key has the silver Toyota logo on the background some.of these key fob options won't work If I go for a new one, what are my options? My car will start with or without they key in the slot.
Here's a thread that lists where I was able to get a brand new fob at a fair price and program it for full functionality using the chicken dance. How to Program a New Key Fob for Full SKS Functionality | Page 27 | PriusChat
If you have the Smart Key System (AKA "SKS") then you need a fob with the silver logo on the back. If you do NOT have SKS then you do NOT need (or want) a fob with the silver logo on the back.
Ok so I have an SKS one Can you buy these new off Amazon? They all looked the same and this was not mentioned in any of them I found
I bought my silver logo fob for my Gen2 on Amazon. Currently, $167 before sales tax (with free S&H) for prime members. See: PS I was able to program the fob using chicken dance for in slot dash operation. However, my Gen2 had five fobs installed into the system. As a result, I had to go to the dealer for reprogramming of the fob. Reprogramming was done at Koch 33 Toyota of Easton PA for $60 plus sales tax. Technician (Pete) also changed case and battery of my then one existing fob (I brought in the batteries and the new case for the old fob). I used Harbor Freight battery and the battery has lasted more than six months. PPS After your new fob is programmed, make sure that both fobs* will start your car in the dash slot. By making sure that your car can be started with the dash slot, you should be able to get home if the fob's battery dies. *- when doing this test, make sure the fob NOT being tested is outside the car and at least ten feet away from car.
For anyone that wants to DIY the same, you can find the replacement case only for around $12. Toyota Part No.: 89751-47010 –– COVER, TRANSMITTER HOUSING With SKS Toyota Part No.: 89751-47020 –– COVER, TRANSMITTER HOUSING Non-SKS NOTE: I have confirmed in a parts catalog that these are the correct parts for SKS/Non-SKS, even though ToytaPartsDeal shows both as W(Smart Entry). NOTE2: These part numbers are for NA spec'ed Prius. Part numbers for other regions will have a different suffix. These both come without the internals or key. The key blank can be purchased separately for $15: Toyota Part No.: 69515-47010 –– KEY, BLANK I hope people find this useful.
Call around to a few locksmiths in your area. They can fix you up without taking a chance on buying something that won't work. And their prices are often about half what a dealer charges.