I posted the other day about having these codes. It seems like all signs point to the hybrid battery. It's weird though, it runs and drives fine. The hybrid screen still shows that the battery is charging and draining when pressing on and off of the gas. The only other symptom we noticed is that the hybrid fan next to the back seat is always running now? How long can it go like this and what happens if/when the hybrid battery just stops working? Thanks!
My 2004 did this never went into a limp home mode ,I got the doctor prius app and dongle and monitored voltages till figured out which cell was failing ,drove all week to work (could tell there was an issue as mileage dropped into the 30's and engine started and ran almost continuously, as well as hearing cooling fan run). Removed the cover on the weekend and voltage tested first 6 cells from right side of battery and confirmed which one app was indicating(think it was block 2 so lucky it was easier to remove from that end). Removed that cell (which was also bulging in the middle), replaced with a good used one and all is happy now and back to 52mpg. I think the earlier models are less likely to go into reduced power mode as I've worked on several 05-07 and they shut down with those codes and had to be towed to our shop. SM-G960U ?
This is what I found Prius Batt 3 by egon10psi posted May 10, 2020 at 8:14 PM Prius Batt 2 by egon10psi posted May 10, 2020 at 8:14 PM Prius Batt 1 by egon10psi posted May 10, 2020 at 8:14 PM
i can't read it, but you can look through other threads that have the data on healthy and unhealthy voltages, and the max delta allowed