Dear All, My 2007 Prius is now at her 165K miles. The problem which I start encountering with this car is I have to add around 3 liters of engine oil at every 3000 miles. Moreover, at around 500 miles after every oil replacement cycle, the engine oil start getting very darken. I have also noticed that the MPG is dropping from the average of 60 MPG to 40 MPG+ on highway. With the above conditions, can you pls advise how get the issues fixed especially on engine oil consumption? Or shall I just swap with another second hand engine? Appreciate for your advise. Regards sanlen
generally speaking, if you can find a decent engine, it is less work than rebuilding the existing engine, but probably more money, depending on diy vs mechanic. for mpg's, get a hybrid app like dr prius and do a health check on the battery.
New "short block" and have a machine shop go over the head. Get the Toyota seal kit too. That would be maybe around $2K, $500~750 and $150~ respectively.
Sounds like your engine has either: i.) bad valve stem seals; or ii.) bad rings. Or, both. Unless, you have a lot of engine-repair-in-car experience, you are probably finding a good used motor. After "new" engine is installed, be diligent about checking oil and changing oil.
Basically if you do some research around here you will find the problem is a bad piston and ring design. If you buy a replacement engine there is no guarantee It wont burn as much oil or more. The only way to assure the problem wont return is to rebuild the engine using the revised pistons and rings.
The short block part number is 11400-37140. I'm not sure, but would think it'd come with the revised pistons and ring set, part numbers 13101-37240 and 13011-37260 respectively. Not sure if it's possible to verify that. The short block is $2437.87 (CDN) plus shipping, from Amayama, shipping from United Arab Emirate (it's typically either Japan or UAE) to west coast Canada. And that I suspect is the only "plus", so far with small orders I've not been dinged sales tax or duty. Maybe depends on the monetary threshold?? Shipping cost for an item like that, they don't provide up front. But they've told me if you commence an order, they will provide you with a number, let you decide, before you initiate the PayPal process. Anyway, new pistons/rings or old, that's a brand-new short block, basically everything below the head gasket. It should be tight for 100K, at least? Cambodia? Bit of a brain-fart on my part: OP is second gen. Disregard all the part numbers above (they are third gen), but still worthwhile to check out Amayama's price for second gen short block. Or not, roughly $3700 CDN, plus shipping, for me: Genuine Toyota 11400-21260 (1140021260) BLOCK ASSY, SHORT for Toyota Prius - Amayama Guess supply/demand?
Phnom Penh is in Cambodia, while in the same neighborhood, it is not Vietnam. Whether freight is cheaper would depend on the volume going from Japan to Cambodia and whether it can go direct or in a roundabout way.
According top Amazon, complete Gen2 head assembly (P/N: 11101-21062) can be purchased for $USD756 with free shipping for Prime members. That seems like a pretty reasonable price in comparison to having an old head refurbished and brought back into specifications. I just checked on ebay and a Miami Toyota dealer has the same head on sale for $691 with free shipping. See: Robot Check Toyota-11101-21062-Engine-Cylinder-Head/dp/B00KTKU18C/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=engine&pd_rd_r=16e88a64-eff8-4e8c-b2b8-a82a1f32931f&pd_rd_w=XW8w8&pd_rd_wg=Xpf7s&pf_rd_p=c94cbbe4-a573-4b7d-90fa-596c09db530d&pf_rd_r=52YVDRCA5PQDBTXETXWC&pid=TEGvQ4Q&qid=1588688789&s=automotive&sr=1-2&vehicle=2006-76-1026------------&vehicleName=2006+Toyota+Prius Also see: TOYOTA\SCION 1110121062 GENUINE OEM CYLINDER HEAD | eBay PS Head is currently back-ordered/out-of-stock on Amazon.
That seems awfully cheap. Could it be a bare head, just the casting, no valves or whatever? I mean, if short blocks are 2~3K, and and engine assemblies are 6~8K?